The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

Did you file it as a bug report?

Oh no, I have not.

Do it… :wink:

Okay, I just did it for you…

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Surface Smooth Brush


I guess a filter version of this is just around the corner. Fantastic!

One concern I do have is how modifiers and choosing brushes will work in practice. Right now we only have one smooth brush for holding down shift. In ZBrush you can switch modifier tools so you can have more than one type of mask tool, smooth brush, etc. With Blender now getting more and more alternative tools, being able to switch out one modifer tool for another would be pretty nice to have.


I have exact same feeling.
We cannot continue to have a stroke mode so basic with all the brushes that Pablo is adding.

We need a way to define per brush or per brush category modifiers.
That does not make sense to wait to treat brushes like external assets.
We need a way to call a specific brush, right now. In fact, that was the way to go in first place.

If brush management stays the same for this brush integration, that does not make sense to make it a seperate category of Smooth brush. It should be merged with existing one.


That would be cool too.
Now, about this functionality, I’d prefer if it was a property of the default smooth brush, instead of a new brush.

This is the reason this patch exist ➝ but unfortunately it’s an endless war to make them understand this feature. :weary: It started on devtalk…


The branch is a thing.;f7476516981c04a64316aabe0a1ad6379209b115

One of the main objectives is to resolve the issues where the current boolean operations fail (perfectly co-planar faces, perfect overlap of edges, ect…). This will be very useful for hard surface volume building for starters.


Fix T74498: Do not iterate over hidden vertices when using the transform tool

Fix T74501: Wrong initial iteration when using mask expand

Fix T74513: Wrong naming in some Face Set comments and operators


Thanks to you I can read this discussion from a distance of ten meters, @Loner. :grin:

Sorry. I just copy it so that everyone can see it .


He fixed my bug reports a few hours ago. Feels nice being first in line for happy news. :partying_face:

Still missing one bug fix regarding Face Sets From Visible/Masked. Pretty important that gets fixed for efficient face sets management.


Large text sizes are primarily intended to be used as a header for the post itself or for a block of text, otherwise it just comes across as shouting.

Discourse has tons of little features you can use in posts, but I assume most here have the sense to not abuse them.

Initial Topology Distances and Falloff support


And a smart smooth brush that won’t destroy all of your detail.

Though one of the comments has a point, and that is how Pablo should look at merging similar brushes together and add UI options to change said brush’s behavior.


Hopefully this is going to be a mesh filter too.

Maybe it would do a better job at replicating the Polish slider from ZBrush and help the voxel remesher be a viable alternative to the Boolean->Dynamesh->Polish workflow for hard surface. Right now it leaves small artifacts that the smooth filter can’t get rid of without overly smoothing the surface.


What is that plane saying in the video? If you can lipread, you’ve noticed it says: “Thanks for this, Pablo!”


We need this for the UV editor too… to combat those pesky fingers that like to overlap sometimes.


I have a feeling when Pablo finishes major sculpt stuff in future then, well he even could perhaps make easiest material painter in world that will be on par with Quixel Mixer or better. I am beginner and used Substance Painter before as a hobby but Mixer much more easier and comfortable.

I do not use sculpt directly very much yet but i use it on hard surface hi-poly meshes for generating details if needed, sad thing is that Blender normal baking needs so much fuzzing to get good normal map output.

Please everyone help keep haters away of Pablo, some of them even may be (conspiracy) trolls sent by competing companies to demoralize Pablo.


I use Substance Painter sometimes but only because of its Layers of PBR and its Brush with Photoshop like flow control and so on, the rest of it is just annoying because they don’t add ANYTHING (Maybe just UDIM) the users complained about 5 years ago.

And yea I liked using Blender Render for baking normals because it didn’t give me issues with intersecting meshes at all, so in 2.8 I have to suffer with Rays. I rely on Multires to bake normals so I can avoid baking from one object to another.