The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

yes) I am using 2.9 only because of this feature and because multires levels back.

I have posted a comment on
with my opinion. Make tests only on cubes is totally wrong

Downloading now… :+1:


Big hopes vertex paint will be in 2.9 , then Pablo can start making texture painting great again=) then maybe in 2.92 or in 2.93 we will see ability to paint UDIM 8k bump maps on sculpts with good performance ( currently we can do it but performance is killing me). At least he planed to make something like that. He told somewhere he can start to make it only after vertex paint land to master .


Sorry, I got overexcited and thought you were talking about the new ‘Convert to Multires’ operator. :upside_down_face:

whatever it is about Apply Base it is definitely broken. It seems to inflate(push verts along normals) certain convex areas of the mesh. I did some of my own tests on sculpts I brought across from Zbrush and Appl Base is indeed borked.

Rebuild subdivs seems to work well and gives same results as reconstruct subdiv in ZB.


The guy in the bug report is still sure that reconstruct subdiv is not working correctly
I will not debate there, I hope the developers have enough information to make decisions. For me it is not bug.


I agree. The subdivided cube was collapsed so the reconstruct shouldn’t return to the pre-collapsed volume of the original cube. Just did the same steps as the poster in Zbrush and same result.

Using the Cage feature in ZB will return the cube to the original volume, same as Apply Base.


And you are absolutely right with that. This is no bug. We have a subdivision scheme and vector displacements. Endless combinations of subdivided basemeshes and vector displacements are possible to get the same result. That’s principally the end of the discussion. Having one that differs from others solutions doesn’t make this a bug.

That does not mean that one can’t have the standpoint that it will be nice if the baseshape will have properties in size of the catmull clark controlcage of plain subdivision surfaces . But we had people discussing here who don’t like that either, because the catmull clark controlcage is bigger than the smoothed shape.


New Pablo patch addressing the concerns about Apply Base not being up to snuff. It is now splitting up into two algorithms by pressing separate buttons called Apply Base and Refit Base. Yes, the new Apply Base is based on the algorithm from Rebuild Subdivisions and Unsubdivide. :partying_face:


Pablo definitely reads this topic and he is hero for blender sculptors)


Yeah nice feature. Just a better naming would be nice.


Once Apply Base becomes automatic, it will not really matter anymore. Old Apply Base can get its name back or change to something like Rebuild Base to signify that it rebuilds the base mesh so it doesn’t shrink if you remove all the subdivision levels.


Yes. I just said that because without context these two descriptions do neither communicate what they really do in what they differ and that they are sort of alternatives to each other.

But if just one button remains it doesn’t matter indeed.

3DC is a buggy mess for the most part and the workflow is extremely convoluted in certain areas. It just doesn’t feel like a finished product.

If you want to mask something out with a certain level of detail, or make use of some other features, you have to go into the paint room to do it, then switch back to the sculpt room as the sculpt room masking (freezing is what they call it) is a blurry mess with missing features. Its all very bizarre. Sometimes the masks wont even go away visually, so you still see them even if its been “unfrozen”.

3DC is one of those apps with a lot of potential but lacks the kind of polish needed to make it a top tier application. At most I would recommend it for retopo and hand painted texturing.


Thanks for the feedback, it’s always good to hear about other solutions, least of trying them out. I wondered why it had lower adoption even though it seemed very capable, that’s probably one reason.

Yes, it is essentially redundant if it will eventually be automated(especially now that it is the same as Rebuild Subdivs) The rebuild base could be a ‘special use case’ like ZBrush Cage button and named something like Retrieve Cage, although in a real-world scenario you are rarely, if ever, going to want to keep the original unsubdivided cage volume mesh.

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Just saw this:

Dam_Standard :laughing: :+1:


yey finally lol!


Yee-haaww!! I’ll eat my hat if it would turn out that Pablo isn’t still reading this thread. :cowboy_hat_face:


Well, I’ve noticed more and more posts that mysteriously become features within a week. :laughing:

Even importing the Dam_Standard alpha from ZB and changing every setting I just couldn’t get Draw Sharp to behave the way I wanted it. I’m pretty sure it was @TheRedWaxPolice who correctly pointed out that a Pinch function was sorely needed on Draw Sharp…et voila!! :blush:


I personally hoping that a high pinch value can give us the same effect as the MAHcut brushes especially the Mech A which is razor sharp.

His brushes are still amazing to this day.