The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

Blender sometimes looks like Unity 3D engine :joy:
The best tools and features are paid addons, another reason to stay with Zbrush.


Yeah the undo problem got fixed some time ago, only the undo brush settings that is still there. As we use Blender if we find a bug it is wiser to report it.


I never left it.:joy: but it’s enjoyable to doodle in Blender Sculpt Mode from time to time. It’s not a serious tool for me, though…yet. Where I see it being potentially useful in my professional pipeline is hard-surface sculpting. Sadly, Pablo doesn’t do this kind of work so an area that Blender COULD excell in will probably get little to no attention. This is a great shame, imo.


From what I have been reading, Pablo and Sergey have apparently done enough work to make Blender’s sculpting functionality worth comparing to Zbrush (as opposed to it being so far behind it’s essentially an Apples to Oranges comparison). Take Metin Seven’s post for instance.

That alone is a sign of progress, who the heck wants to sculpt in 2.79 now?


This is often such an off-putting thread full of people comparing blender against zbrush, when I imagine those of us who can’t afford that app are pretty happy with the new capabalities and fixes that we’ve seen recently.

I don’t see the need for blender to be maya or 3dsmax or zbrush or any other software. I wish it had all of what they had but I understand they don’t have the resources for that sort of polish and functionality.

I am a fan of not only the changes Pablo has brought but I’m also happy to see the publicity gained for blender with his twitter posts. There’s a joy there in those responses and a positivity that I’m surprised to see on such an otherwise usually toxic site.

This isn’t to diminish any of the valid criticisms made here or the feature requests. Sometimes we get anxious and don’t consider how our words will affect others. I just imagine there are others like me intimidated by the more professional users here and less likely to participate due to the tone of a lot of these posts. And for those users, yeah, maybe follow Pablo on twitter instead or in addition for some balance.


Guys, don’t forget to leave your feedback on the new “Add Object” tool… This may be the beginning of an “Insert Mesh” brush/tool… :nerd_face:


the addon mentioned above actually has a IMM alike tool, could that be good enough?..


that reminds me of the make tool in boxcutter (yep i have box cutter lol) its kinda the same thing, but you can add bevel, array, radial array and it has tweaking gizmos after drawing…

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looks great, an option to expand the list of objects add custom meshes with a basic box deformation would be nice, maybe a basic merge, slice and diference options too.

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Nobody is asking for that, but that’s the reality of how things are. Comparison of features is something that will always exist in a world of a variety of 3D programs.

Again, this is how it is and was always going to be.

The double-edged sword. With that fan-fare comes more users from other programs and more comparisons. You can’t have it both ways.

One of the cornerstones of human societal advancement: the right to freedom of expression. If reading about comparisons of 3D software upsets you then maybe 3D isn’t for you.

Well, this shouldn’t be the case. There’s no elitism here. We’re all equal in our passion for 3D, our paths of learning, and our right to state our opinions as honestly as we see fit. There’s no need for anyone to feel intimidated. I firmly believe that the opinions and experiences of everyone here, from every background and 3D software is a very valuable thing. There is nothing more intellectually meaningless than an echo chamber.


I don’t use addons… :nerd_face:
But yeah, there are some cool stuff in those addons.

Every person who regularly uses (while hating) blender should be working their ass off converting people who have never used blender even if they themselves have no plans on ever leaving maya and zbrush. If we can quadruple the number of people making the minimum donation they’d have more resources.

If the community in general was much larger it would increase the odds of some volunteer developers making forks that focused on the main small problems some people in the community complain about a lot. The more Blender (and its potential forks) improves the more pressure there will be on industry standard programs to decrease their prices a little.

Also I suspect the Blender Foundation devs are reluctant to straight up rip the code for a feature from a community addon. If there are more forks adding dream-come-true features ripped one by one from some addons and some forks start getting very populuar, the devs might be more inclinded to take a “just do it” attitude regarding highly desired features that already exist and are used daily by thousands of people running a fork. There is a little too much “not invented here” attitude with them sometimes. I understand not wanting to touch any of the code from eCycles because that developer could not be bothered to properly submit his code to the Blender Foundation code tracker. But if someone forked blender and decided to investigate eCycles code and make cyles in their fork almost as good and free, a lof of Blender users would switch to that fork in a heartbeat.


I find this surprising considering the modular nature of Blender’s design and addons. I really don’t think I’d be able to use the program without addons :smiley:


common addons are the best :stuck_out_tongue:!

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You probably know that Zbrush under the hood are 2.5D software… not real 3D. Tech. explanation is too much for me :smile: This allow Zbrush to do some tricks, which are impossible in other programs, high polygon count just are one of them. There will be always limitation in polycount until someone make something new. Mudox have this limitations, 3D Coat which use voxels, also. Cinema 4D have rudimentary sculpt capabilities with multires system. Yet, he choke when you go too far, although can swallow much more polygons than Blender in general.
Anyway Blender users must stop to look over “fence” and compare Blender with others… It’s like that Blender grown up much faster than users :wink:
Zbrush is dedicated software, specialized. It’s similar to some Zbrush users which are disappointed because Zbrush do not have cloth or fluid simulation.


@Musashidan @MichaelBenDavid I jump a lot between several 3d apps to get the job done lol, so no need for addons for now… :smile:

I’m considering quad remesher tho:thinking:

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I’m user, consumer not tech guy. I just repeat what dudes from Pixo say… But who know maybe internet know better than developers.

Just to clear things out…
This is Paul Gaboury on discord…

which means that ZB is full 3d when you’re in edit mode/sculpting… :wink: