The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

Would Vulkan at least be enough to get super high polygon counts, or would the Blender devs. need to roll a custom graphics API?

If the latter, then the developers would need to learn how to write code that is very close to the bare metal of the CPU and/or GPU itself, we might need at least 10 Sergey’s to even dream of seeing something visible by Blender 4.00

I’m gonna fold my arms and wait for a 100 zbrush users to debunk this one.

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I believe I reported the Sculpt Mode Undo issue around 100 years ago already. :wink:

I understand, and I definitely don’t want to discourage anyone. I’m a big Blender fan for many years now, and my feedback list is purely meant to inform Pablo what he could focus on to make Sculpt Mode even better than it already is, because I know ZBrush quite thoroughly and think that knowledge might be useful to Pablo.

Until recently I had even said goodbye to ZBrush in favor of Sculpt Mode, by means of an experiment, because I thought Sculpt Mode was already sufficiently on par with ZBrush to facilitate that.

Right now I’ve rediscovered GoB / GoZ for Blender, which provides a convenient bridge between ZBrush and Blender, and I’m looking forward to utilizing the best of both worlds, while keeping a close eye on Pablo’s upcoming Sculpt Mode candy.

Looking at the level that Blender has reached, the number of full-time developers and Ton Roosendaal’s frequent reports of Maya and other DCC users transitioning to Blender, Blender has definitely become a big player that is competing with Autodesk, The Foundry, Maxon and other major publishers.

Blender is free to use, but is on its way to reach a level of funding that is approaching the application development budgets of the large publishers. Lots of hobbyist, professional and corporate Blender users financially support Blender, and they’ve got the right to expect a competitive level of capacity.


Key word is USERS. We only can speculate about things which hear or read somewhere. My opinion about Zbrush is from one discussion, many years ago in time when Zbrush was 32bit. There was links to some more elaborate articles, but honestly, this is too much for me. I do not want to pretend to know stuff which can not fully understand. Whatever, there is something different. I was able to handle millions of poly with my Intel core2 duo and GT8800 in this time.
However, everyone is free to think what he want… and on end this is not important.

Blender have on unbeatable advantage, and this is pure number of developers. As open source he is open to many people to contribute development, full - time developers are cheery on top.
Other software developers are bloated with to many… unproductive people. I remember one Maxon movie like “meet you developers”… there was to many marketing people and only few coders. Same is in Autodesk, Foundry, etc. Because of that Blender have such explosive development.
Blender user base are in many cases also developers, bugs are reported and resolved in reasonable time without waiting to “official” develop cycles.


Proof that you don’t need a lot of devs to make a great product… :wink:


Max team is now 100, with independent teams working on Bifrost and Arnold. I agree that there is a lot of staff at these corporations that are useless(marketing and HR and all the other non-jobs that humans haven’t needed for the last 99,950 years) an example of this is that Adesk spends more on their TERRIBLE marketing nonsense than they do on R&D. However, don’t underestimate the number of quality devs they have.


Guys, please don’t derail the thread, let’s stay to the topic :v:


Even worse… One developer talk how 4 mans was involved in develop of some nice new features.

  • one guy actually coding;
  • second guy watch him and testing occasionally;
    -third dude watch first two;
  • fourth guy control this three;
    I do not joking. I really hope that Blender never become like this. In every big software house situation is same. Actual coders / developers are third class citizens.

I literally have no idea what you talking about. Alright, am moving the f*ck on.

16 posts were split to a new topic: Vulkan

It’s even more funny because Paul ‘random internet guy’ Gaboury is the one who personally updates the documentation(a long running joke in the ZB community)


So documentations is false ?

it doesn’t have a 3D scene, but rather has a 2.5D canvas document on which you can draw 3D objects

From the other post, he is saying Zbrush would be CPU and RAM, but it’s fast because it neither uses Direct X or OpenGL (only for few things).

So the response is Zbrush is somewhat a mix of 2.5 canvas system combiend with custom rendering designed to render high density models.

BTW, nevermind Zbrush is the best to handle very high density and what people take for lot of sculpting work because best brushes and tools, fast and smooth in high density.

Paul say that Zbrush are 3D, but he NEVER say that Zbrush do not use some trickery or black magic :yum: under surface. Again, before almost 10 years I was able to open model with 24 or 27 mill polygons, with polypaint data. My machine in this time was Win XP 32 bit. 2 core CPU, 4Gb Ram, GPU with 560 Mb VRAM… Honestly I was ready with fire extinguisher, but my machine handle model fine.
Although this “trickery” limit Zbrush, he never be able to do some stuff which are normal to other software… This maybe can explain why other developers do not use Pixologic solution, price is maybe too high.
So better to back to topic, we are not IT experts anyway.

Yap, Pixo is one of rare developers which use artist in develop process. To be clear most of programmers are able to use his software, but there is big difference of using and be creative.
Pablo Dobarro is one of rare which are decent artist and in same time actively work on develop. He simply make tool which he need in some moment, without need of back and forth between artist - programmer. Of course there are other people but he is one of leaders, great inspiration/motivation for other developers. So I wonder what he will make next :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes, Blender sculpting is starting to be awesome with all 2.8 recent features, it’s far better than was it was at the beginning.

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Why would you think that? It’s not a true 3D environment as you have in tradtional DCCs. That’s well established. It’s document based like Photoshop, rather than an infinite 3D world.

I don’t understand the analogy with Photoshp, document or infinite world, it’s all about drawing geometry, perhaps you mean the Zbrush “Document” is a very special render.

it doesn’t have a 3D scene, but rather has a 2.5D canvas document on which you can draw 3D objects

I would say this some very custom tech.
Like Nanite for Unreal 5 that is also very custom and not common renders, it draws 3D objects like all other 3D renders but in a very custom and different way.

BTW Zbrush is the most efficient whatever tech it uses.

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The ZB environment is not an infinite 3D world like Blender, for instance. The environment is a finite document like Photoshop, with a set resolution.

It doesn’t have real-world scale, or physical 3D lighting. When you ‘zoom’ into a mesh you are actually scaling its size on the document. When you leave Edit mode the mesh gets ‘dropped’ to the canvas and becomes 2.5D Pixols. At that stage it doesnt have any 3D relationship to other 3D meshes(ctrl+N to clear canvas being the classic case if confusion for new users)

Also, very importantly, ZB doesn’t render gouraud shading.


I don’t know how many times people need to point out developer confirmation that the 3d edit mode of ZB is traditional 3d before people stop spreading this misinformation.

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