The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

Quick question, was the frustum culling patch aproved or it ended as an experiment only?
Pablo said that " it has a lot of problems".
I think I’ve seen papers about automatic levels of detail for viewports somewhere too, not sure.

C4D uses something like that too



I guess it’s very optimized for that specific way or rendering, it’s very custom way of rendering keeping some custom format, it’s indeed different from 3D engines or other modelers apps.

Thanks for clarification.

Yes, it had to be in order to ‘do the impossible’ at the time. It’s hard to describe just how mindblowing ZB was back in those days. ‘Sorcery’ gets thrown around a lot these days, but believe me, on my single core 32bit machine with 1.5 gigs of Ram back then…it was raw, unfiltered magic from the Chaos Wastes. :laughing:


In fact, if you halve your ZBrush canvas size, you’ll get a performance boost. With some projects (and CPUs) it may be a difference of being able to actually sculpt, or getting the popcorn and start watching the slideshow.


Exactly, and if you double it you have to frame up document or pan it to view the extents, just like PS. This is difficult for people to get their heads around at first, the fact that it isn’t a ‘3D viewport’ in the common or ‘tradtional’ sense.


ZBrush is one of those software that it’s better to read the manual, since there are some functionalities that if you are not aware of how they actually work, they can ruin your work. Like saving the Document instead of your Project :smiley:


It probably works with something like billboarding.
Think of a flipbook, where every page is a frame of the mesh…
Or so I guess… :upside_down_face:

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maybe we can back to the topic? Please read name of the topic , if you want to discuss something else, you can create new topic. Thanks.


@regis3d is right, let’s head back to the Sculpt Mode discussion guys, thanks. There are several BA threads about Vulkan.


Sculpt: Cloth Filter
Sculpt: Pose Brush Face Sets FK mode


Sculpt: Improve twist axis in Pose FK mode


I’ve been testing the sculpting tools in 2.90 for the last few days and I have to say they are great, I can actually produce something for production, working on a female character right now. There seems to be a issue with MultiRes ,where it produce small spiked vertices has anyone else encounter? I can’t reproduce it.

As much as I love sculpting in Blender, it’s missing one important feature, Sculpt Layers…So I may have to jump to Zbrush to finish off the sculpt. I know its on the to-do list, once that lands I can do all my sculpting in Blender.


Yep i posted a bit higher a hack that runs at about 0.5 FPS with a decimate modifier…
In other words, unusable.

I really wish shapekeys with multires would be a thing.
Keymesh is cool but standard character workflow is also important I think.
I had to renounce using BLender to do full characters because there is no sculpt layers.


I agree Keymesh is really cool however it’s like putting the cart before the horse. I have this nice sculpt but without Sculpting Layers, I have no non destructive to add scars,pores,etc to her face.

Since I broke Multires, I had to sculpt on the raw data which was 6.6 triangles , surprisingly doable even editing it with the modelling tools was doable.

Sadly this spike bug plagues us since god knows when. It’s been in Blender’s multires since forever and seems to be a bug really hard to tackle.

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Ouch! this is the first time I heard or encounter it, first I thought it was a artifact(like previous version) it wasn’t one of the spikes were as long as a hair strand while others are cm/mm length. They really need to tackle this spike vertices issue or no one will use the Multires modifier in production.

The multires should be rewritten from scratch… the bugs are endless… :weary:


Maybe this method could revolutionize Blender Multires and Subdivision modifiers to a ZBrush-like level:


Everything has bugs, but limiting bugs that make something un usable is most important.
That “spikes” bug should be priority over any new features work.