The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

Hello all -
Is there a build out there with the “sculpt colors” features, as well as the operators to convert back and forth to vertex colors ? As shown here :

It was available in last year’s “sculpt branch” builds (june and aug 2019 on graphicall) but I would like to find a 2.83 or 2.9 build of it.

Thanks !


It’s still hidden as an experimental feature. You’ll need a 2.91 alpha build probably (it’s disabled completely in official releases).

Enable Sculpt Vertex Colors

Turn on Developer Extras to enable the Experimental Tab

In the Experimental Tab, turn on Sculpt Vertex Colors:

Until recently it used to be possible to activate experimental developer features, but I guess the devs removed that from the alpha builds.

Hey, thanks !
@xrg : ok so, I seem to be able to enable the feature just fine in 2.9 and 2.91 builds. That said, even though I think I manage to convert regular vcols to sculpt vcols just fine, the Paint brush just doesn’t seem to do anything (yet Smear seems to work). Would you mind confirming ?

@Metin_Seven : the feature shows up fine here - the dev extra features just need to be enabled in the first tab (“Interface”).

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Ah, yes, thanks! :smiley::+1:

i think i run into something like that too, the only way i found to fix it was to start over with a clean setup. deleted the 2.91 folder in my roaming folder and the brush started working.

What’s a brush engine ?

@sick : much thanks, that did it ! After a flush, a manual pasting of addons and a re-import of preferences on next startup it all behaves as expected now.

@Hadriscus : it’s just a way to refer to what drives the brushes behing the scenes.

Thanks, but isn’t it kinda vague ? Surely the same things drive brushes : normal under the cursor, strength, spacing, automasking settings, and so on. Does that mean it’s been changed ? in what regard ? what does it change for the user ? So many questions.

From what I understand it went through a rather massive change around june of last year. As far the paint brush itself, it uses a different data structure than regular vertex color thus requiring 2 special operators to convert back and forth. It is explained in the blog post of the initial sculpt branch release.

I understand that vertex colors are stored per face corner, whereas sculpt vertex colors are stored per vertex, but how related to the “brush engine” is it ?

That is an old tweet referring to the fact that paint brush had lots of new settings : Flow, Wet Mix, Wet Persistence, Density, Tip Roundness, Tip Scale X.

Those settings were absent in early state of sculpt vertex colors branch.

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Ok thanks zeauro. That only concerns the paint brush then ?

@Hadriscus - I was merely colloquially referring to the new features of the sculpt mode. If you want to know exactly what is new about it and when the changes occurred you might want to ask the author of these changes (see tweet).

Sorry for off-topic. Is it possible to set up blender to change automatically navigation type in sculpt mode to the “Trackball” and set it back to the “Turnable” in object mode, or somehow faster than 5 clics “F4-Preferences-Navigation-click-close settings window”?

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@rpserge : you can certainly do so by setting up your own custom script (requiring you to know how to write simple addons) to enter sculpt mode and change the navigation mode ; or, by doing it as a macro in Pie Menu Editor. If you enable Python Tooltips you’ll see that the python command is PreferencesInput.view_rotate_method.


@Renzatic no i dont like them all either, but this one is exceptional…

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oh, no sculpt related but quite useful addon… and his twitter


Honestly, I don’t remember if Smear brush was concerned.
I am not sure there were several deformations in early state.

The alpha builds are delayed again. Last build is from September 4th.

Please help notifying the Blender devs about build delays by reporting it here, thanks.