The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

UI/UX stuff

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


Cool, Now someone just needs to suggest the option to show the circle while sculpting.:smirk:

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Turn off “show cursor” and the arrow cursor will show up.

Same here. The only auto-retopologizer that comes pretty close is 3D-Coat’s Autopo. As far as I know Autopo preceded QRemesher (the predecessor to ZRemesher).

A year ago I wrote a blog post, comparing ZRemesher and Autopo, and the results were very close to each other.

But there’s hope: the developer of ZRemesher is currently working on a new auto-retopology add-on for several 3D editors, possibly also for Blender.

I think it’s there in the view menu, isn’t it ? Haven’t downloaded a build in a while.

For what i was told, Automatic remesh is a complicated operation that requires solid knowledge of advanced math, physics (waves, springs, vectors), topology, voxels, and a data representation that engloves all of that. Is one of the hardest operations possible in the CG field and is not easy to find a coder that has the knowledge to code it. Let alone one in the open source world, and there’s still a research subject in the CG field.

As far as i can remember, the original authors of the Blender physics engine found remeshing too complex to work on it, and a student for gsoc tried and failed to produce a good remesher (based on a, by then, older paper).

Even commercial counterparts can’t get a good replacement for zremesher coded. Is just that hard.

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Am i understanding ot right?
Vertex color will lose agility to be painted by face, and it will only be painted per Vertex?

Hello There!
I can’t seem to find how to change location of the pivot point when rotating.
(I 'm trying to rotate my characters arms)


You have to choose the option “move pivot only” at the header, when you select the move tool, currently that way its a bit buggy, instead you should fill the entire mesh with a mask and move around the pivot point to the desire position, after that clean de part of the mask from the part of the mesh that you want to move or rotate, and the just rotate

Awesome work !
just my two cents about the vertex paint in sculpt mode :

  • About the "color mode " toggle (between mix color and disabled), in the brush popover.
    It could be a checkbox in the topbar. Maybe near the color slot, with a label to determine.
    It will be more discoverable and accessible, as it can be toggled often, to sculpt and paint at same time.

  • The first time you paint vertex in sculpt mode (sculpt or paint only), it should prompt to the user if we want to create a new vertex group, or using an existing one.

In standard vertex painting, the vertex group is created automatically, so the user knows that it works.
In “sculpt” vertex painting, the user paints and sees nothing until he creates a vertex group manually.
Plus, the option to show vertex in the viewport shading popover could be automatically selected in some cases.

I am aware that it is all a work in progress, just wanted to give a feedback.
Thank you

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I’m eagerly waiting for a Machine Learning based auto-retopologizer. I can imagine it could be realized by feeding a lot of ‘ground truth’ quad topologies for males, females, all kinds of animals and objects to an AI application.

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Yes, I’m very aware of what you’re saying. I can gather that it’s super complicated. However, Zremesher exists and it’s not even field or volume/voxel based. I have this fantasy that they are actually doing something much simpler but everyone thinks it’s more complicated than it really is. If you’re familiar with Zremesher you know that the results (when used intelligently i.e., not trying to remesh and entire character at once) can produce the correct flow almost every time. Of course the trick is doing it in sections.

But none of that really matters because we DO have Zbrush for this task. :wink:

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Just because you don’t see voxels doesn’t mean they’re not part of the process. ZRemesher is almost certainly voxelizing and creating bounding volumes under the hood to pre-segment your mesh into known common features before doing the actual magic.


Support this man on Partreon, OR ELSE.


Well it’d be easy enough to find out. He has a thread that’s been linked above.

Plot twist, Pablo will get more support than Blender Dev Fund :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Such a great work, I can’t wait to see this fully implemented into the trunk. Keep it up the good work.

I’m not sure, from the moment that @lethal01 published the news here about two hours ago, the numbers of the campaign do not seem to have increased.
If this is not correctly publicized/sold in different channels like Blender Nation, YouTube, etc. This probably fails as Manuel Bastioni Lab campaign, where Maunel ended up disappointed by the lack of support and abandoning the project.

By the way, @Ace_Dragon , what do you think about editing the first thread message and sharing the link for the support campaign there?


I would bet very good money that ZRemesher was not the work of a single person, no matter what they’re saying.