The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

Merging Sculpting branch to Master? Nope. Master to Sculpting :smile:

@Thornydre build please. He just merged with master

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Ah yes you are right, I should be able to do it in about two hour :smiley:


i wish Manuel Bastioni chose this approach before the nuclear option…

Still think reallusion poached him

I think that many people here (user of Blender in general) doesn’t really care THAT MUCH about sculpt and let’s face it: artists haven’t deep pockets to begin with, so money is tight. I don’t know if BF can give a grant to him to help with his work, i don’t think this pateron campaign will be that successful considering what happened to the e-cycles developer (sorry can’t remember your name, again sorry!!), or Manuel.

This is one of the cases that we probably should reach Ton directly.


My personal theory is that he simply didn’t feel like developing his addon anymore, but he wanted to use his quitting as a way to show people that when open source projects aren’t properly funded, they can disappear.

I mean, if he was serious about getting funding, he’d have done more to get the word out about it. At the very least he would have tried for longer to raise the funds. Instead, he discontinued the addon in a hurry. It was as though he didn’t want the word to get out about his funding campaign.

Not sure about this,for me this dev makes awesome improvements to the sculpting.If this improvements getting so further,we become a Zbrush lite.

I cant wait for the Final sculpt mode.


Wow, so that’s why it was proposed to crowdfund Code Quest specifically for sculpting from which this thread grew on? Please, read the first post in this theme again or watch the following video:

Just updated the build on Graphicall ! Cheers :smiley:



Just a single dev, Maxime. Ex-Pixologic employee who left to start his own company in 2011 and that’s when Zremesher was born. He is currently working on a Zremesher plugin for the DCCs called Quadremesher. I am on the 3ds Max beta and it is very good. It’s being created for Max/Maya/Modo at the moment and he’s also just announced versions for Blender and Houdini, once the other 3 are shipped.

So Blender will have Zremesher one way or the other.


All those features like a remesher will be great to have and all … but for me the most important thing is still how the brushes feel.
a good feeling clay buildup brush would be nice for example. or falloffs that feel more natural and soft like inside of zbrush.
i think some kind of zremesher is nice to have but this is something that can be done outside of blender too … good sculpting brushes can’t.
but thats just my opinion of course :slight_smile:


I would agree 100%. Achieving the natural ‘feeling’ of the ZB brushes is the key ingredient.


Sculpt vertex colors: Color filter tool


Any new build with those latest additions?

This is actually really cool. I can’t figure out though if it changes all the colors to the color you shift it to or if it shifts all the colors relative to their original. If so, That would be really great. Still pretty useful either way though. :slight_smile:

Agreed. The Sculpt Mode progress is interesting, but the feel of Blender’s sculpting brushes still can’t match the natural feel of ZBrush.

Disclaimer: I’m not sponsored by Pixologic, in case you start to suspect that. :wink:

That is a too vague description to help.

In theory, if falloff presets are not helpful, user can adjust falloff curve like he wants.
So, the default feeling is not the correct one that is just a matter of providing a good preset, in theory.
After playing with settings, any member of community can share a preset.
Quality of this proposal is just related to experience of creator of preset.

And what is valid for one setting of brush like Falloff is valid for any other setting.

In practice, if falloff curve is not affecting brush effect on correct range, if its optimum amplitude cannot be reached : that is a problem that can only be solved by sculpting module owner.

If you are able to identifying what setting of a Blender brush is not satisfying or is missing, there is a chance of progress to Zbrush feeling.
If you are stuck to “it does not feel like Zbrush”, there is none.

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You’re a fountain of information, my good man.

Obviously correct, but I think it is important to point out more subjective aspects of working in any program. I agree with the others, there is something naturalistic and pleasing about how the brushes interact with the model in Zbrush, it’s like digital clay. I think first defining that there is “a feeling” about Zbrush is the first step, and then working to disambiguate it more and get to the bottom of the technical reason why Blender is different is the next step.

I do think at some point someone interested in Blender sculpting who uses Zbrush should do a review of the tools and try to be specific about changes as you say. My instincts tell me it doesn’t have anything to do with falloff, but I can’t be sure until I try it some more. Perhaps it is how the brushes build up?

Edit: Also, frankly I’ll never sculpt in Blender while the matcaps are G A R B A G E.

Does it some page on social media, some mailing list? I’d like to stay up to date with this things.