The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

Thanks. I’ll forward this to Joseph Eagar at

─ Edit: Joseph responded that he’ll take a look at it. :+1:


Two new Blender builds are available from the Experimental builds download page.

  • The Sculpt Dev branch was merged with a recent 3.0 Master build (April 22nd), so with this new build the Sculpt Dev branch is now 3.0.
  • There is now a download of the temporary BMesh Multires branch. Beware of the crash @julperado mentioned: don’t use the Mesh Filter brush when Dyntopo is active.

If you encounter an issue while working with these builds, a report will be appreciated in the sculpt-paint-texture-module channel at, thanks.


Thanks @Metin_Seven!

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Okay, someone really needs to merge those two branches… Hehehe…


Yeah, that’d be great! Just tried the BMesh Multires branch. As @VertexPainter already pointed out, it’s really noticeable that Dyntopo works buttery smooth now. :heart:


If not already, I hope the BF can get Joseph Eager on the payroll as he is able to work on sculpt mode’s core (which Pablo can’t do on his own).

Sergey meanwhile is doing a lot of work with Brecht on Cycles X, so he probably won’t touch multires for the time being, Joseph meanwhile has his eye on that part too.


Hmmm, and he also showed interest in tackling texture paint mode… So yeah, it would be a wise move… :wink:


Tried the new DynTopo. It’s honestly staggering what a massive difference the performance is. Granted, it is not perfect (still takes a while to toggle on and off DynTopo and there were some hiccups happening), but the speed up is very, very noticeable. Especially on high res models which could be very laggy to work with.

If Joseph Eager doesn’t get a job working on Sculpt Mode in the future, I will end up being very disappointed.



I chuckled reading this Twitter thread from a guy who is trying to learn ZBrush. :grin:

CC: @TheRedWaxPolice :slightly_smiling_face:



I laughed so hard at this one. XD


Didn’t focus on the name at first…
John O’Really :laughing:


Yeah export is really uncool. :grin:


Can anyone help with this ongoing mystery. :thinking:

Blender ROCKS! We all :sparkling_heart: it.

Except the sculpting performance. In comparison, to say Zbrush. Which can run,- (even on my PC) -10s of millions of verts/point, as opposed to a few mill on Blender.

Now we would just accept this fact, and be grateful, seeing as Blender is not only FREE, and fantastic. And is also a “do everything” work-box.

But… I keep seeing these videos, pop-up on my alerts from Blender nation from the genius who is Pablo Dobarro. Showing all sorts of crazy advancements in performance.
There was even this video from 7 months ago.

But I cant find any “real, definitive” news of when any of these advancements, specifically performance.- (so we can sculpt with millions more polys,) -Are going to be added to actual release builds. (Not alpha or Beta.)

Any ideas, anyone?
Thanks for any help. :star:

Have you tried the Sculpt-Dev build of Blender? You can find it here. It contains the most recent Sculpt Mode advancements, and is the Blender version Pablo uses.



But to be fair, it is possible to zoom in/out using the scroll wheel… :sunglasses:


Do you (or anyone in this thread) know of any good guide on how to build these branches on Linux? The last (sculpt) one is 3 weeks old.

Hi, check
Debian based distros should work out of the box if you use pre build libraries.

Cheers, mib

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Guys, any news about face sets and sculpt vertex color with multires? Tried the BMesh Multires branch, I am guessing this is still in the works as they are not part of this branch or are any of the devs working on them?

They need to fix the multires first, before adding this kind of stuff…

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Joseph Eagar’s Bmesh Multires branch is developed relatively independently from Pablo’s Sculpt Dev branch. Pablo and Joseph complement each other, but for example the Sculpt Dev builds often contain a slightly older version of the Bmesh / Dyntopo / Multires engine.

When it comes to Sculpt Mode vertex painting I guess the Sculpt Dev build is the one to keep an eye on, including the Experimental options in the Preferences.