The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

Looks like Blender is becoming Photoshop. Excellent! :wink:

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This is amazing! Pablo is doing an amazing job, he’s fixing sculpting, vertex paint and texture paint.

Hi all,
since we have the new voxel remesh in master, are there any news to have it back in the remesh modifier?

It’s very usefull for prepare 3d print, to make watertight object also with voxel boolean.


Are there others like me who still prefer Dyntopo for fast concept sculpting and detailing?
It’s a good thing Remesh offers an alternative sculpting option though.


I use the remesher to join some basic shapes together and then sculpt the fine details with dyntopo.


Using hte voxel remesher, you can stick a hole in the mesh using grab brush. After using voxel on it it’s good dynotop mesh to work on.

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When working with Dyntopo I just use the Carver add-on that comes with Blender for a quick hole, then brush the edges a little to remove the sharp edges. The mesh stays intact that way, and isn’t completely remeshed.

I also rarely use Dynamesh in ZBrush since the addition of Sculptris Pro.

I still depend on dyntopo for quick laying out of shapes. Voxel remesh should complement dyntopo, not replace it.


I doubt you can do that with any type of control. Grab brush does not work like that, at least not the last time I sculpted in blender.

No way you could do it easier like that than boolean a hole out!

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For studies and quick sketches I’ve been setting up the main forms with the help of the remesher and then all dyntopo for the actual sculpt, both options can make a great workflow. But honestly the only remesh I really hope we get in blender is something like ZRemesher, that’s the real gamechanger :slight_smile:


We The Dyntopo Crew ™ !!!

I appreciate all the improvements to sculpting and I actually support Pablo on Patreon.
But I loooove Dyntopo. I hope it always stays here, it’s perfect as the initial blocking workflow!!! …At least perfect for me.




Lol… Dyntopo is already in good shape and well developed, what else would you want it to do?

Exactly, for the initial blocking/sketching stage there’s nothing better than having freedom from mesh resolution and automatic topology changes. Nothing can beat that.

Anyway, thanks to Pablo’s work the sculpting module is getting some love again, and some amazing additions, so let’s hope dyntopo receives some of that love in the future too :nerd_face:

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There’s issues sometimes with the transition between zones with too low/high resolution that could be improved, I’m sure performance could be improved too, and I believe that in Zbrush the sculptris mode can add detail based on the alpha used in the brush (can’t confirm but for the demo videos it seems that way).

Edit: also dyntopo is slower in 2.8 compared to the latest 2.79 stable release, so there’s work to do there too


Those would be nice improvements yes.

Sculptrispro works with alphas, yeah, but partially, stuff like dragrect/dragdot doesn’t work sculptrispro.


I would like Dyntopo to be able to brew me the finest cup o’ coffee in the world. I’m sure Pablo ‘El Dios Esculpidor’ will be able to code that. :wink:

But seriously, all I want is Dyntopo not to be overshadowed by all the new Sculpting tools, but I’d like the Dyntopo camp to profit from all the new features as well. Right now the Sculpt Mode Features build consists of a code layer that works only with the Remesh workflow, but I’m confident the transition to the main Blender release will make as much new functions as possible compatible with Dyntopo as well.


I thought Pablo got all the brushes working with Dyntopo? What new features don’t work with it?

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Anyone has any info if the brush settings described in the sculpt branch manual will make it into the master? The defaults seem off (from a long time zbrush users perspective anyhow) for many brushes, Pablo seems to be aware of that.

Also, there’s a lot of jumping back and forth between features, having semi finished (or barely started) features for retopo, that boolean thingy, vert colors, texture paint etc… It’d be interesting to see a roadmap of some sorts. Every time I get excited about something he seems to have moved on to the next feature already. :smiley:

Really good to see someone being so active though.

Well the features are getting added one by one and there is a task for the default settings which is also related to Tools/Brush system, there is a big talk about that and maybe a complete overhaul…I think he jumps between features because code review takes time some probably won’t get in 2.81 like Vertex color or transform tools at least i haven’t seen any patches for them yet, he made a general roadmap in code.blender, but yeah maybe further infos on what his plans for retopo or texture painting should be added.