The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

Another possible step for faster vertex and weight painting.

An issue that led to slow OpenGL calls executing like crazy has been resolved.

I’m not sure how visible this will be to the users though.


What will happen with Relax brush ?


Pablo made a patch that was UI/UX related, like changing the Remesher pop-up, adding shortcuts to Voxel and QuadriFlow, and a Set Pivot Position operator in Sculpt Mode (hopefully the last one will solve the issue of no reliable way of moving your Transform tools freely in your scene):


More UX progress by Pablo, this time being brush cursor improvements:


Still no Relax brush :frowning:

New features are not allowed to get added into Blender right now, so don’t expect it to appear in 2.81. Hopefully we’ll see it in 2.82 once early Alpha starts on the 10th of October. I want that brush added back in badly too. :slight_smile:

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I sure hope Pablo keeps changing UI/UX in Sculpt to fix the mess the current brush selection and its parameters menus has become.


Yep. We need a complete overhaul of the brushes system and how they are organised.

Preferably I want it to work more like how Photoshop handles its brushes. Like having a single file format with all the brushes saved to it, so you can easily move and share any brushes you want to share with other people. Also being able to have folders and sort the brushes in a list rather than having static tools with separate brush lists would go a long way to fix the current messy system.

Oh, and make the imported brushes save to Blender itself so you don’t have to append brushes to every new project would be much appreciated. :slight_smile:


You can do that.
Enable the “Fake User” thing on the brush, and then save the start up file…

Crazy stuff… :upside_down_face:

So what you’re saying is that if I want to do what is done automatically in other programs, I have to 1) open the start-up file, 2) import what could be hundreds of brushes from various projects, 3) press “Fake User” on all of them separately, and 4) save the start-up file? Also, I have to repeat this process every time I make a new brush in the future?

Yeah, I can’t possibly see why anyone would want that changed. ¯\ _(ツ) _ /¯


Pablo made a new update on the brushes cursor and it is amazing. You can now preview the Falloff curve line directly on the brush cursor itself. What a great quality of life change.


It looks he took it a bit too far with the falloff Overlay… it could be optional or very low opacity.a bit distracting imo.

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It’s blender, you should be used to it already. :wink:


I could see it being changed so that it is previewed on the side as a somewhat smaller icon. Personally I would like to see more previews of your brush settings like colour, smooth stroke, and more as either an R click option or next to the brush cursor preview like now.

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Right Click Menu makes sense, you don’t really want to flood the Brush Cursor with too much previews.

I made that suggestion just now on Pablo’s patch. Hopefully he sees it. ^-^


I am not as jaded as some. Haven’t even used the program for a full year yet. Plus, it’s up to us newcomers to start pushing for some change! :sunglasses:


The great thing about the current Sculpt Mode developments is that Pablo is both a skilled coder and a skilled artist. This means he will continue to encounter usability issues while sculpting, which he can then continue to improve himself. This was / is also the reason behind the success of ZBrush. Its main coder, Ofer Alon — a.k.a. Pixolator — is also both a skilled artist and coder. Such multi-talented people are usually thinking creatively, thinking out of the box, which is also how ZBrush could manage lots of polygons back in a time of low-capacity computers: because of a radically different approach to manipulating and displaying 3D data.


If only the core devs were artists also… :stuck_out_tongue:


:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I’m going to tell the developers you said that, and they’ll hate you! :wink: