The issue is, it’s not exactly easy for someone to be well versed in creative thought and analytical thought at the same time. There is a reason for the term “programmer art” and the tendency for many artists to not want to touch coding unless it’s visual.
That said, it would be nice if many of the developers started using film-quality models (ie. Hollywood-grade) as the primary testing ground rather than Suzanne heads and the like, it would really cause bottlenecks to make themselves known for one thing.
At long last. The remesh changes are looking so darn good. Have been thinking about trying them out for days now. We’re getting so spoiled with all these goodies. ^-^
Edit: Can you already download the commits, or do we have to wait a bit before they’re out?
(• I don't speak English "by default", so... )
It’ll be in there whenever the buildbot updates. I’m on Linux so can’t check, but going by the hash it looks like the current Windows build should have at least the voxel remesh.
I dont’ know if it’s just me but it looks like the Remesher is a bit faster ,i couldn’t tell.
The Quadriflow w/o Symmetry sometimes crashes on Windows though.
The changes to Voxel Remesher make sure that it only remeshes parts of a mesh that do not match the density put in your settings. Meaning that after you increase your density and remesh, it will not have to calculate everything from scratch every time and just the pieces you sculpted, therefore increasing performance.
This is also how Dynamesh works in ZBrush and the patch basically makes it act nearly identical to that feature now.
Been able to download and test the new changes. I have some great news that the remesh changes work and are working fairly well to boot. Voxel works fantastic so far and is very familiar to how ZBrush veterans would use Dynamesh. Here’s a quick dwarf sculpt I made using Dyntopo, Voxel, and finally QuadriFlow in about 40 min of work.
While I am the most pleased with Voxel, QuadriFlow got the biggest upgrade by far. It went from a very niche tool to something that you can have some more general use of. It is far from perfect, as can be seen in the screenshot below, but it now works as a more primitive version of ZRemesher. I hope the devs can keep building on this project over time so it can be used even outside of Sculpt Mode for stuff like hard surface objects.
If you had told me last December that in less than a year after jumping on the Blender train that we would have a nearly fully featured Dynamesh and Elastic Deform, I would not have believed you. Yet here we are.
Wait, give me a minute and I’ll code a realtime QuadRemesher / ZRemesher, intelligently quad-retopologizing meshes in realtime as you sculpt, while looking at a Machine Learning database for topology ground truth reference. Piece of cake.
Oh yeah, for convenience I’ll script it in Python within Blender.