The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 2)

So, I did it.

I used that script by @gakgu He invented a great hack. So here’s what was requested and more

  1. Face Sets to UV
    Creates UV map from face sets, or just seams. There is an option to use custom-set seams with face set boundaries too.
    It is basically “Draw UV Islands” tool imho, could be marketed as such lol.

  1. Face Sets to Vertex Groups,
    Just why not. Could be a quick way to batch paint-create vertex groups, because in weight paint mode you can only paint one at a time.

  1. And before devs add face sets in Geometry Nodes we could use this hack, so here is Face Sets to Attribute.
    Creates integer named attribute that can be used in geometry nodes, but of course no real time updates. If you change face sets you have to recreate the attribute.
    Still, I’m interested to see what use you’ll find for this.