The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 2)


:grin: Yeah, I’ve got a reputation of volatility, but this time ZB has really become history to me, as I can’t see myself justifying paying $40 a month for a relatively small number of advantages compared to Blender. Up to now I was still naively hoping that Maxon would allow perpetual license holders to pay a reasonable one-time upgrade fee per year, but instead they couldn’t even wait with the subscription shizzle until the next ZBrush upgrade. :unamused:

3D-Coat keeps my sympathy though. I can see myself reinstalling it some time when I want to create models with tertiary details, like this handsome chap I made with it recently (rendered in Blender).

I hope the upcoming new brush system in Sculpt Mode will allow for easier high-polygon / tertiary detail sculpting. Then I’ll happily solely stick to Blender again.