The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 2)

A lot of people here wanting the same performance or close to zbrush should get rid of that idea, Zbrush doesn’t handle data in a “real” 3D way that’s why it can be so performant it’s basically using a static view projections and offsets to manipulate points this allows it to cull unnecessary computation by sacrificing real time 3D rendering functionalities.

Blender can not do this with out some massive refactoring to the to large core parts of blender.
You would need a completely new way of handling data structures of objects. You would need a new viewport system with optimized context modes, you need to figure how the objects of those modes can exist together when in a “default” view and not a specifically optimized one and visa versa. How do we deal with this new “high density” object type do you have to create or convert to it or does it automatically kick over once a minimum threshold of vertex points existing in the object. when in object mode how should we handle all the data.

For instance what happens when you leave the optimized sculpt context view mode with 40million vertex point then move to edit or object ? Does any of these changes kill backwards compatibility ?

Now I’m not saying it’s impossible but we need to understand this is an insane task (Even more so for 1 or 2 people) and i think it’s really easily to overlook or disregard the complexities of the things we are wanting.