The Blender City

I just made this, i believe it is the exact scale the Cognis came up with. It is called “units.blend”

Thanks for the quick reply and confirmation.

Having a common reference (be it doc or blend file) is a good idea.

Precision to two decimal points as done in your version is probably fine, as long as we’re consistent.

In case it helps the “formula” is:

inches * 2.54, truncate (round down) to get centimeters.
centemers / 500 - a blender unit to get blender size values, truncate at 2 decimal points.

I agree here- I dont think its a good idea to limit the type of object that we can submit- how many doors, windows and postboxes can you actually make before it gets stale, I also think that we have good momentum, and a lot of interest, so by limiting the type of object, and starting off too slowly, you could break a bit of that momentum…
another thing is that different submissions will be more valuable, and more in demand than others- so someone can pump out hundreds of lame objects and get the same amount of blendits per model as someone spending hours creating quality pieces, so I also rate that each item should be independantly valued, and when sold, should sell for different prices.

Here’s a door, fountain, and mailbox I made. The door isn’t real “pretty” but its within a 100 poly count:D.

-C. Wynn-

As an alternative to “buying” plots, it might also work to lease plots out under a use or lose it deal.

Colony applications would be handled on a first come first serve basis, although the initial phase would go to Blendopolis creators and other city elders.

Each colonists would receive one acre (this is rather nebulous, perhaps 10x10 standard units or some such thing) that would then be their responsibility to develop. Come up with an arbitrary time frame to establish residence, and then one of two things happen. If the property has not been developed, give it to someone else, or, if it has been developed, it becomes the property of said user, who can then do what they will with it.

This approach would avoid a glut of doors, mailboxes, lampposts, etc, and create a more unique community as creators can build whatever they want.

To get the economy rolling, whatever you build in Blendopolis can be used by anyone else in Blendopolis, but you receive a payment of blepees, blollars, blounds, or whatever it is.

My major concern with this approach is the nature of the government to follow. On the chance that this does turn into a sociological experiment, this setup would most likely lock the Blendopolis government into a course we’re already familiar with, the experiment would be merely variations of governmental types with which we’re all familiar, as opposed to branching out into unknown territory. Of course, rewind81 may be the only other one who cares in this regard.

I fixed up the mailbox a bit. I am having troubles texturing it for some reason. I think it looks okay though.

C. Wynn, your models are really good.

ya, i think the council could rate from 1 to 5 stars (if its good enough to be used at all) and each star is worth say 50 blendits, or more for more complex items, and then when people buy an object, a 5 star could be 100 blendits to but, and a 1 star could be 20 blendits, and then the designer of the object gets some blendits when people buy their object

I dont think this is fair, once you have something, it should be yours. People have real life to deal with and it can change how much time they can spend in blendopolis so I think that if you have a peice of property its yours forever.

I have a door im working on but i want to know whether it has to be double sided

I also have a lamp post that could go along the streets.

heres a lamp post that would be good for public areas like parks

heres a simple door I put together

Rewind81, Id love to help u guys and support this project, but im very busy with exams and uni, not to mention my own blender projects and an attempted social life.

So if you could remove my name id appreciate it! My comment was just a comment, nothing more. :wink:


I’m not trying to imply that your plot can be taken away. Once you’ve established a significant structure, then it’s your until the end of the internet. But if you sign up for Blendopolis, get an assigned plot, and then don’t build anything for a month, it would be better served to give your land to someone else who would use it.

okay i get it

heres another basic mailbox

Also I was wondering if I should make a streetlight. There everywhere in a city.

I made a basic streetlight.

Heres a quick, 76 poly door that I made. I think it looks nice and simple.

We would have moderators to take care of that. If someone wasn’t using their plot, then they would recieve an email reminding them, and if they say they don’t want it or they don’t reply in X amount of days then it is sold to someone else.

This brings me into thinking about how people would be associated with their lots. I think every lot should have a number and the number should be linked to a name, email address, etc. Then we can easily track the people in the game, and what they own.

I also had an idea. Is it possible to get blender to download .eml messages from a POP3 server using an external email client (i.e. thunderbird) Then users could send and recieve messages in the game through a python script that sends a .txt file to an email application, which sends a .eml to an email server (i.e. gmail), and then the recieving resident can download the file and view it in the game by going to their mailbox or something. This way users could also check their ingame messages without being in the game.

Don’t know if thats possible, but i think it might be. - that could work i think. We could ask defilinto if he could code the script for us… - thats also something…

(I know nothing when it comes to python, but now that I think of it, I have never tried to learn it.)

A quick run-through, sincw I am at someone else’s computer:

RE: Streetlight. Definitely worth a commission. max 100 poly, worth 250 blendits. As for models in general, the listed commissions are just immediate ones. They will not be ‘available’ once we have Good Stuff (I’ll check the models tommorrow, at home). New ones will pop up. And if you’ve earned unspent blendits, YOU can ‘commission’ projects, paying with those! I only list the ones that are directly in the city’s interest. A counsel or board should at some point start handling and judging commissions.

RE: Leasing and unkept lots. A leasing model seems possible, as does a ‘mortgage’ model (get your lot, pay via models or the like during the following month). A bit too complex for now, but later, very likely. I do not feel we should be too harsh about whether people are using their lots ‘properly’. Think about it, a lot that has not been altered for a year becomes that strange old house that that weird fellow now lives a reclusive life in. Nobody sees him, but the house is still there… creepy :slight_smile: I’d rather expand the city faster and have some unique places than beancount the use of lots.

RE: Message system. Sure, if it can be made in a fitting way. POP3 might or might not be the way to go, a custom private message board or soemthing might fit better. But at this point, it’s too early to deal with ‘officially’. So get good ideas, experiment, and in a few weeks, that might be the Big Topic!