The captain

My first project properly finished in Blender, it has been a ride, lots of learning etc, but it has been fun for sure. Far from perfect but hopefully the next one will look better…
Thanks for watching!


It seems that the notion of distance from perfection is very subjective :sweat_smile:
I’d say the result is amazing!

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really nice , likeness is not far off. Maybe the jawline is slightly too wide, not sure

Cool! I like it

Incredible! I must say most of the time portraits or sculpts of celebrities or humans i see done in blender look a little off, a little uncanny valley and i mean, I appreciate the effort of the people trying to achieve this in blender because it´s one of the hardest things to do in any software.
That said i think this is one of the best I have seen, did you use Zbrush for any stage? this is just amazing I love it!

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Absolutely outstanding! :exploding_head:

Incredible detail and likeness as well. Wonderful work! :smiley:

Opened this thread… literally said out loud “Whoa.”

thanks so much!

thank you so much!

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you so much, i had no idea!


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Wow, your attention to detail is stunning! Extremely lifelike and conveys a lot of emotion.

This is crazy , and you only used blender, amazing :heart_eyes:

thanks, I am adding some more wip and test renders to this thread, in case you guys are into those sorta things


Incredible! I would swear that it was a photograph!

Awesome render and likeness Alex.

This is truly stunning. Really well done.

You’re on the featured row! :+1:

can’t wait to see something new that looks (even) better than this :wink: