The Cat did it.

Hey, I’m working on this cat, and I need a little help. I wish to make it as realistic as possible, but can’t seem to get the head/face right. I am wondering if it even needs to be perfect if it will be covered in particle fur anyway. As you can see it is far from finished. My aim is to have it sitting on a table and knocking a glass onto the floor, for a short animation.


You should add some paws.
The area around the nose shouldn’t be indented like that.
The neck looks a little long.
I think the tail should be longer.
The ears look too far forward to me.
There should be another joint above where the paw should be.
Edit: And it looks awefully skinny.

Try searching google for some pictures of cats. Or if you have a cat just look at it and compare your model to it.

It does look good though except for the things I mentioned.

Poor ting got no lower jaw – need a place for the teeth and tongue and throat. Ears should come out the side rather than the top.

What a cute little creature. Reminds me of when I went to get my 'lil cat spayed. She was so doped up and then I felt so guilty. Poor little reminds me of this incident even a decade later and hence I am at her bid and call.

Thanks for the replies.

I’ve shortened the neck a little and extended the tail. Also I fattened up the legs because they were quite skinny. I also added some pretty bad paws and made an attempt to fix the indentation around the nose.

I havn’t added the thumb yet.


ok i made a pic for you (but i used the old face version) :wink:
i hope you can use it :smiley:


Thanks black cat, your image helped me a lot. I descided to start on the head again, the only part I kept was the nose. Anyway, the shape is a lot better now, but the topology is gonna need a lot of work, especially around the ears and top of the head. Also added a pupil to the eyes. It is a seperate object so that I can animate it to dilate. I’ll keep working on the mouth now.

I had the hair turned off for editing and didn’t realise that it was still there untill rendering.


My kitty, Jonah, hasn’t forgiven me for getting him spayed yet. That is why I’m having trouble getting reference photos from him. Only time he likes me is dinner time or when I’m asleep he likes to scratch my face. I have a scar from where he bit my eyelid while I slept.

The face looks more realistic than the body for me…
I think it’s too thin, or the legs are too long.

I’m trying to get into the zone for doing fur/hair. I found that if you seperate the mesh, the hair/fur become easier to manage. This may be a pain for animating it, although big buck bunny have solved the issue somehow. I guess we need to use the production notes with a fine tooth comb.

For the whiskers, try using “neonfur” material from Brianhair. I;m not too sure where to download this file although I have copy in my hard drive at home.

Seems to me you need to spend more time studying references if you want to get a photorealistic look.
Google images and the BBC motion gallery are your friends.

The head looks much better. The face reminds me of salem (or whatever the cat’s name is from Sabrina the Teenage Witch).

hahaha, the cat from Sabrina always looked like a puppet to me. Oh, well. I’ll take it as a sort of compliment.

Some more work on the ears, head shape, etc. With the bigger pupils, it looks kinda cranky.
