The center point of the face is not the center of the face

The center point of the face is not on the center of the face…It’s in the upper left corner of the face…And NOW I can’t loop cut this edge, I think this is also the cause, I’m following the tutorial, I can fix the problem if I redo it, but I still want to know if there is a direct method without redo

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The reason this is happening is due to your topology. Since the beveled edge gets terminated on the side it creates an N-gon (see circle). Ideally you want to keep everything quads at most.

I don’t have too much experience with hard surface so I don’t know the best way to solve it, but that’s where the problem is. Hope this helps!

Loopcut only works on faces with 4 edges. If the loopcut comes to a face with not 4 edges it stops.
You can use the knife (press k in edit mode) tool to separate the ngon part from the rest like this, then loopcut works for the parts.

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thank you :heart_eyes: