The Common Man is a cartoon character created by Indian author and cartoonist R. K. Laxman. For over a half of a century, the Common Man has represented the hopes, aspirations, troubles and perhaps even foibles of the average Indian, through a daily comic strip, You Said It in The Times of India . The comic was started in 1951.
I found a printer fellow (Vincent Unni, Bangalore) who did it for me, will ask him, I know its a SLA printer, and printed in resin. he went above and beyond to help me out with this.
he could not print it the specs and body in one piece at 30 microns. the specs broke when he tried to cut the supports so we spit the specs from body and went to 20 microns
will be getting those updated prints by next week. will share updates then.
the printer is a custom industrial printer built at Bangalore by Vincent.
feel free to contact him at [email protected] in case you would like to know more about it.
this has been a fun exploration, thankyou all for the interaction that’s happened on this thread have a great day