The Conspiracy Mentality

in space, for mission critical stuff, you can’t just use normal modern computers. the current nanometer process nodes (and even many of the previous ones) make them too vulnerable to malfunctions from ionizing radiation.

space crafts still use very old chips that are built much coarser, and/or they have to connect multiple redundant systems that constantly compare results and do sophisticated error correction.

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Well, the positive thing is that the special effects industry, the virtual simulated reality, science fiction, entertainment … has developed well with those initial research … which is much more lucrative :slight_smile:
We are the true heirs of the Moon Landing, we have not developed to explore new worlds, we have developed to create new simulated parallel worlds and realities.
The maximum success of the Moon Landing is No Man’s Sky

Oh yes we have videogames and meaningless consumerism. What a great achievement.

Once the realism of VR gets to the point where it is equal to what is seen in The Matrix, I could very well see the appetite for doing extremely risky ventures such as space travel go down.

Die in the virtual world, restart the game and you’re good. Die in real life, no respawns and no trying again. That point though is dependent on how the line from Morpheus “your mind makes it real” applies after a critical realism threshold is crossed.

I was a little sarcastic and a little pragmatic :wink:

And in any case, No Man’s Sky is not entirely evil, it teaches you chemical materials, where they are found, how they are extracted and what technologies can be built with them … and in addition it teaches you piece by piece how to hypothetically assemble a technological field self-sufficient in an “extra-terrestrial” place … it’s a bit instructive to entice future real Space Explorers …
And also technically it’s fantastic … almost everything is procedurally generated.

I tend to be a skeptic, so if there is a huge unanswered question or some huge “well ain’t that convenient” thing going on, such as how Hitler’s death and body was handled I’ll…have some reservations. It is very convenient that the man shot himself and his body was burnt. That is a case where some skeptical reservations are kinda a valid thing I can get behind.

Now as for the moon landing I’m about 200% sure that actually did happen, no way the USSR would let the states get away with a thing like that. Which is kinda that point that everyone neglects, because all other things aside, I don’t think that the USSR who had the technology to keep an eye on those events, would ever let the US get away with a scam like that.

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There were a few things I was reminded of when I read over this thread:

  1. There’s some sort of exponential (I think that’s what it’s called) curve involved with conspiracies. In other words, the chances of keeping a secret a secret or a lie a lie go up exponentially with each added person to that lie. So, if you have three or four people involved in a lie or some sort of cover-up, you probably can keep things under wraps. But if it requires three or four dozen people, then you’re probably getting found out, and if it involves three or four thousand people, you might as well post it publically on Facebook.

  2. Even though conspiracy theories are just, well, conspiracy theories, some people have to believe in them. I suspect that many of the same people are also bound to believe in things like justice enforced by a supernatural being, or world peace, or an eternally happy afterlife, or being able to talk to your loved-one’s ghost after they die.

  3. There was a song written in 1970 by African-American jazz composer and poet Gil Scott Heron, called Whitey On The Moon. I’m not saying that I can begin to claim either the sorrows or joys of the African-American people and I will never truly know their challenges, but I can’t afford health insurance in the US and I haven’t seen a doctor in years and this verse spoke to me:

I can’t pay no doctor bill.
(but Whitey’s on the moon)
Ten years from now I’ll be payin’ still.
(while Whitey’s on the moon)


This. A thousand times this. Conspiracy theories hinge upon the notion that people will continually, reliably do what they inevitably never do, which is keep a secret. The more people that are involved in something dastardly, the more likely it is that someone will either experience a crisis of conscience, and expose the whole thing in a fit of guilt, or will choose to expose it because it personally benefits them in some way.

There are no shadowy cabals working behind the scenes with the specific intent to oppress the masses. For anything that could be classified as a conspiracy, 99.9% of them are people trying to find a way to make a lot of money very quickly, legality be damned, or are attempting to cover their asses after doing something illegal. The world isn’t nearly as convoluted as some people like to believe it is.

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Being concerned about “huge unanswered question or some huge “well ain’t that convenient” thing going on” in Hitler’s death (have no idea how it’s even connected to space exploration but whatever).
But you’re 200% sure about moon landing 50 ago. Clearly biased.
“no way the USSR would let the states get away with a thing like that” World politics doesn’t work this way. We’re all biased. Most citizens will always believe their own government (obviously) and it doesn’t matter if any country will scream “fake”. Country who has more influence will obviously convince more people around the world.

I honestly can not parse what you just wrote.

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You juse connected Hitler’s death to moon landing. What do they even have in common?

I gave an example of a plausible situation where one could have reservations about the official story vs a situation where there is overwhelming evidence and no legit grounds to stand on.

If you somehow made a connection there, than I am sorry…I think. good luck?

I’m genuinely confused as to your stance. Your last comment to me was about lizard people masters and pyramids on the moon, so I assumed you are pro-hoax on the moon landing. Did I miss some irony there?

Well, it’s more sarcasm than irony, but yeah, you missed it.

I mean come on, everyone knows the Lizard People Pyramids are in Antarctica.

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You mean that huge ice wall that encompasses our flat Earth?

Edit: I’m really surprised THAT rediculous subject hasn’t come up here yet. Haha

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Pfft. Flat Earthers. Whatevs.

The earth isn’t flat, okay. It also isn’t a sphere. The reality is that it’s somewhere in between, like an icosahedron. It’s roundish, but is actually made up of a bunch of interconnected triangles, hence why you can’t see any curvature while on the surface.

You’re posting on messageboard dedicated to 3D modeling here, man. Tris and quads are your bread and butter. This should make total sense to you.

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And that brings us full circle (see what I did there :P) to the universe simulation theory.

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It’s turtles all the way down.

Lmao no, precisely people like you will say “there are so many people involved, that it is impossible for that to be false/true”. The more people are involved, the more reluctant they will be to admit they are wrong. Even if some of them sudednly started crying in the open about it, nobody would believe them because “so many people are involved that it can’t be false/true”.

How many ex-masons have already talked about Freemasonry? And what do people do? Nothing, because the population is just a bunch of lazy people who think anything beyond the complexity of preparing breakfast is a “silly conspiracy theory”, while they watch their local media telling them how many silly conspiracy theories they should dismiss. After all, looking into may things is soooo tiresome, and it isn’t on the news, so how is it going to be true??

Recently, the government of South Korea had to shut down because the president was a puppet of a pagan feminist cabal. There are literally groups of people who will rape their own children so that they can sacrifice the offspring to Satan. And they do so because the general population, the mob, just thinks “bleh, silly conspiration theories”. So I really wouldn’t say that “there is nothing out of ordinary xD”.

The world is much more convoluted than what pampered westerners think, which is precisely what enables many things. There is more complexity to the world than our spoiled, plastic lives of internet and smartphones.