The Conspiracy Mentality

Do you have another example besides Freemasonry? I’ve only heard the term “Masonic” or “Masonic Lodge” once or twice and I have no idea what it is or whether or not any of it is a conspiracy or a conspiracy theory.

I had to comment on this one, because it’s something I can directly relate to.

I come from a family of Freemasons. My great granddad was a Freemason. My granddad was a Freemason. My dad’s a Freemason. I was the Eastern Star mascot when I was a toddler. I pretty much grew up around the Lodge. Can’t say I know the secret handshake, or all the rites, but I’m pretty familiar with it nonetheless.

Know why I never became a Freemason?

…cuz it’s boring!

Seriously. It’s mostly a bunch of people getting together to talk about the Lodge, or running fundraisers to get more money for the Lodge. Every once in awhile, they’ll break out the weird symbols, and do a thing, which I’m pretty sure is the majority of the appeal of the whole affair.

Cuz everyone likes being in a club. Being in a club is cool, especially if it’s an exclusive one with secret handshakes and stuff.

Pedophile rings in Hollywood and other groups, for example. Also, satanist cabals. The other terms you have used refer to the same thing. Freemasonry is a group where there are 40 degrees (I think it was 40). Each time a member advances a degree, there is a literal esoteric ceremony where one more “secret” is revealed to the person. Those secrets and ceremonies and such have been documented by many former members, but people will keep defending that it is just a silly idea, and that freemasons are just this innocent charity group.

There is this idea that if something is labelled as a “conspiracy theory” is isn’t true anymore. This is the dangerous mentality. Someone starts to dig where he isn’t supposed to? Well, just label whatever as a conspiracy theory.

There’s also the misconception that the free-masons are a secretive group, they are not and anyone can join.

Some conspiracy theories involve hidden technology straight out of Star Trek or Star Wars (like spaceships and ultra-powerful computing machines that would make Cycles render an interior at interactive speeds).

Lmao like clockwork. Sadly for you, the nature of freemasonry is well documented by people who ahve researched it, and former members.

“You see guys, yes, we have these secret handshakes, and these esoteric rites, and these secrets that are revealed in each degree, and our activities and such have been documented for centuries. But it is nothing to worry about really, it is just a silly club :^)”.

See? The more people involved, the more inhertia there is towards people thinking “it just can’t be true, you see, I even have a friend/relative that is part of that group!”.

You hve no idea of how Freemasonry works. If you join them you are just a low degree freemason, as I have mentioned. Then you advance in the degrees, with esoteric rituals in which the nature of the group is revealed, as many former members have already documented. It’s in the open, there are many people mentioning it, yet you, and the rest, don’t believe it and do nothing. So much for “hurr if so many people someone would confess!”

Well, people do confess. It’s just that people won’t care, because it was already determined that those were just silly conspiracy theories. Ironically, because “someone would have confessed”

If the group was so secret, why would they welcome articles about them in newspapers and TV shows (as I actually do recall reading an article about them in our local paper)? Considering what was written, please tell me you’re not one of those blind followers of Alex Jones.

Sounds like a cult, like Scientology, rather than a conspiracy.

Lmao see? Even when they are out in the open, even when thre is the testimony of dozens of them, even when their activities have been documented for literal centuries, you say “it is just a silly conspiracy theory! And you are like those silly people who talk about silly conspiracy theories!”. We will get to a time when saying that breathing is needed to live will be a silly conspiracy theory.

A wise piece of advice: if you don’t even know what are the degrees of freemasonry, don’t talk about freemasonry

Hey man (or woman), we’re all just here trying to be social. No need to be hostile.

“See?! I believe in one crazy crackpot idea, so I’m right about all the other hot diarrhea coming out of my mouth!”

Of course I’m just a lazy, basic b* that doesn’t do any research, right? But like every conspiracy nut, you just insult everyone for not seeking the truth, and then refuse to provide any of your own research (That’s not off some crackpot website.)

So you understand the appeal of Freemasonry. No one can resist a good mystery. They either want to be involved with it in some way, or investigate it. Rumors abound and spread. It piques interest. It begets gossip. Those in the know? They love their status of knowing. Freemasonry’s secrecy is its draw, it’s appeal, it’s kitsch.

In reality, it’s about as dull as dishwater.

It’s a similar phenomenon to Bohemian Grove. I’ve read all the rumors about that place. Seen the pictures of Moloch. A highly exclusive club of rich individuals, meeting together out in the middle of the woods, gathering beneath the gaze of a giant owl statue looks suspicious as hell.

…and I’m sure it’s all due to the fact that a bunch of rich, jaded people got together to do weird crap for the simple sake of doing weird crap. They’ve got the money, they’ve got the time, and it sure as hell beats meeting up at the country club. That’s so jejune, and not nearly as edgy. Comeon, fellows! It’ll be a grand ole lark! The newspapers will probably talk about it for years to come!

You can label it however you want. It is a group with activities and members that pursue a goal, accesible so that they can recruit members, but with a system of degrees to hide anything with actual substance. Of course, with the passing of the centuries, all those things, and secrets of each degree, etc, have been opened to the world, and their activities documented by many former freemasons. But the world doesn’t care.

In many places I can pretty much stab someone out in the open and nobody will care. Well, it happens more or less the same. One would expect that with the constant witnesses and testimony that time has produced, there wouls be some kind of awreness or worry. But as you can see, you can just tell people “don’t worry, there is nothing hidden, anyone can join :)” and everyone nods.

Again, this is only an example. There are satanist groups that sacrifice their own children, there are plenty of pedophile groups that do their best to normalize pedophilia through culture and movies. There are literal feminist cabals who had a puppet as the president of South Korea. People just laugh these aways saying “oh you silly conspiracy theorists, do you still beleive that the Earth is flat?”

I think that you’re confusing The Bystander Effect with conspiracy theories. Also, the fact that people are often… well… evil, for lack of a better term, to other people isn’t necessarily related to conspiracies.

Lmao I understand perfectly the way in which they recruit members, to begin with because they are well documented by plenty of former freemasons who say, once and again, that the group is just satanic in nature, as is revealed in the higher degrees.

So no, the “it’s just a dull club” by clueless people doesn’t cut it, the “these are just esoteric rituals for show, trust me” doesn’t cut it. The damage control in general, doesn’t cut it. Of course, you are sure of it because “it just can’t be true, so let us just make some clueless joke about how silly it is so that we get internet points while we keep on living our lives of mass media consumption”

What do you think that would motivate, many times, a conspiracy? Do you think that people will proclaim their evil intentions in the open, announcing them grandly? A conspiracy is nothing more than someone, or a group of people, furthering some agenda, hiding something, or similar, in a private way without people being aware of it.

I’ll think about what you’ve written, and I appreciate the back-and-forth. :slight_smile:

I’d describe Scientology as a pyramid scheme that sells a cult lifestyle as its product. Freemasonry is a club, somewhat like the Kawanis, but really old, sporting cultish window dressing.

Haven’t been keeping up with current political affairs, I see.

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I wasn’t going to say that, but you KNOW I was thinkin’ it. :stuck_out_tongue: