the cursor disappeared!

HELP! i was making a game on blender and the cursor to select a location to create a object disappeared! i didn’t press any buttons on mistake, i didn’t change any weird settings, has this happened to anyone else!? i already tried remaking the game 3 times but its at the same point in the creation that the cursor disappears, and it is really hard to make, and finally each time i recreated it i got a tiny bit farther but the cusor just keeps disappearing making itimpossible to add any more objects then i already have. i only have 5 objects and a camera on it. please help me.:o

It the cursor disappeared at the same time all three times you have tried to make the game, what is the last thing you did before the cursor disappeared? What button did you push or selection did you make?

everything was fine until like the third time i made my game, is there a setting that i might hav pushed on mistake that gets rid of the cursor?

The most obvious thing I can think off, is press P, which starts the game engine. This will take the cursor away. If this is the case, just press Esc. I can’t think of any other key that would remove the cursor from the 3D view.

ugh I know about making the game it was the 3rd time that I pressed p then escape that the cursor disappeared. Thanks for trying though.
can anyone else help me??)???

Did it dissapere in edit mode?

edit mode animation mode object mode sculpt mode. all of the modes, its just gone, should i report this as a bug?

Can you use the menus and keyboard when this happens? If so, save the Blend (Ctrl-W) and upload it somewhere. Post a link to your Blend and let us take a look at it. If it is a Bug then it should happen to any of us.

yeh i can use menu and keyboard, ill upload it and wen i do ill tell u where.

here is the link;10524677;/fileinfo.html

The cursor is still there it is just way of the grid. Press Shift-C to recenter the cursor.

That used to happen to me but i just clicked on an object and snap cursor to object always worked - but shift C sounds like the proper shortcut :slight_smile:

IT WORKED! thank you guys so much, i really like blender and now i can finish making my game!

one last thing, how do I paint my plane different colors?

Vertex Painting, Texture Painting, Load an Image Texture.

ok thanks it worked, and one last thing, how do i give my enemies that i make in my game artificial intelligence, in other words i want to make models in my game attack my player and move towards my player

Time for you to post in the Game forum. The Blender Game Engine (BGE) has its own special place here on Blender Artists. The BGE support forum is not with the other support forums. Scroll up a little and check out the Game Engine forums. There are some game templates that you game download, Tutorials to read, and lots of work in progress games that you can look into for different techniques. I say all this as a way of saying I don’t know enough about the game engine to help with AI, but the guys that frequent the game forum will.

ok thanks. now i move onto the game engine forum