The Darkroom

Hello! Thank you for stopping by to look at this little isometric darkroom! I made this over a month or so. While searching for references, there was a lack of “cute” darkrooms to go off of (or what I deemed cute) soooooo here we are now! Feel free to stay as long as you like, you are more than welcome!


Great work!

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Whimsical and cute. I especially like the “SX-70” instant camera model.

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Welcome to BA! :confetti_ball:

Lovely work. Yes, it is confirmed, I am still in love with cute little isometric rooms. :wink:

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Thanks @sundialsvc4 I worked off of my own Sun 600 It was much more of a challenge than I anticipated

Thanks so much, I appreciate that! @bartv

@piranha4D thanks for the kind welcome! I’m happy to provide all the cozy vibes!


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!


This is so supportive!! A millions thanks!

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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