The Dragon's material library 2.0 (17 materials)
This has the 9 included in my first attempt at such a library and 8 more used in recent projects.

Also, the first one meant for the artistic style of that material instead of the photoreal version, the others can be realistic under the right lighting.

Dude these are awesome!

Nice stuff bro, great contribution to the blender comunity.


Thank you very much for sharing.

Looks great, huge thanks for your great generosity!

wow, those are really good! I will have to study them. :yes:

wow, those are really good! I will have to study them.

Thanks. It took the making of several projects to get all these together, I don’t just make materials without a project to use them in, I may end up having to do a 3rd release if I get 8-9 more materials done for future projects.

Wow these rock. Do you mind if I make something using these.

Wow nice! :slight_smile:

Not at all, but credit would be nice.