The earth globe (updated)

Ok, i’ m busy with blender for about 6 months and i made this in 3 hours.
My dad liked it, so i post it here. :stuck_out_tongue:
C&C are very welcome!
PS: Sorry for my poor English.
PPS: Normally it was 1600x1200.:eek:
I had some trouble with the shadows :frowning:
UPDATE: Ok, i fixed the shadows. I leave my old one, so you can deside wich is the best.:D:D:D


Good job…Indigo it!

Downloading indigo tomorrow! :slight_smile:

Truly great for a first project. Your texture work really stands out.

It’s not my first project. :slight_smile:
Look at my public profile -> threads started or something.

And now waiting for comments.:cool::cool:;):wink:

looks really realistic. So in that light…where is my base board. No way I’m moving into a house with no base board! lol

Yeah, again nice job.
as for which one?..the second one definatyl because you fixed the shadows.
NOW you can indigo it!

I would lower the wood shine a bit on the globe. it makes it have a plasticy look that takes away the realness. but besides that is great! great job!

Thanks for the comments!
In the evening i work on the shineyness.