The Excuse

Hi all,
I was away from blender like 2 years.
I realised that I almost forgot everything about blender. So watched all the videos again (thx to blender not much changes). So last one month when I was available, worked on this.
Everything started with a football then a basketball. So I asked myself why don’t I make a scene?
And here we are.
I know It’s a really simple scene.
I captioned it as “The Excuse” because; need to do sports but it’s wet :eyebrowlift:.
Some textures from cgtextures. I made rest of them myself with GIMP and Inkscape. Added some glares with internal composition.

Thanks for the critics in advance.

Render Time : 11m9s
Samples : 1200
Res : 1080p
GPU : GTX970


If realism is your goal, then the first thing I notice is how shiny the asphalt is along with almost everything else (the former should be quite rough for instance).

Second, it looks as if the image also features the common mistake of using the Cycles glossy material by itself (when in reality it should, at minimum, be mixed with a diffuse shader).

First thank you very much for your response.

People sometimes can’t see their own faults.
I had wanted to put some reflections like on the reference photo but I never realised i went really harsh on lighting and shaders.
So i made some tweaks and used fresnel instead of spec map.

So far so good to me but of course I need experienced eyes.

Reference Photo

Final Render