The Fisherman

Hello there!
This artwork is based on two concepts Frankenstein’s monster and lovecraftian motives. I came up with an idea of mixing these topics in some kind of Hellboy’s vibe, where a Frankenstein’s creature, being a monster himself, fights even more grim and horrible something.
I imagined Frank wears some kind of fisherman’s outfit and the whole model shows a fight between him and monsters. My first idea was a fight versus the octo-monster, but then I decided to make a swarm of horrible fish-people instead.
Inspired by Hellboy and Mignola’s art, Van Hellsing and traditional comics.

Artstation project:


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Much appreciated!

Really looks the biz!

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This is without a doubt one of the top five pieces of work I’ve ever seen on this site. Something tells me it’s not going to get as much attention as it deserves, sadly, but it deserves every bit it gets and a whole lot more. Absolutely stunning work! Do you have any plans to print and paint this? I would absolutely buy a print of this and put it on my desk at work- heck, I’ll buy your blend file and print it myself, if you’re down :slight_smile:

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Love this piece too … reminds me of Gregory Capullo’s art, especially with his Batman series.

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@rorsdors thank you so much!

@NeilJamesFrarey thank you! Yes, I took an inspiration from oldschool dark comics and Mignola in particular. Love this style, tried to visualize it in 3d.

@joseph You are right, it’s hard to present it properly, but I put a lot of efforts in it so you reply is incredibly pleasant and important for me. Thanks a lot! I’ve never tried to print such complex models, but if you really want to have it printed I can share it for you for free!