The Forbidden Channel on the Tunnel Vision

Keep your head down just to be on the safe side. Stirring up the otherwise calm surface draws too much unwanted attention to your mere presence in an unwelcoming and cold and slippery environment. Watch your step and be sure something is watching your every step. There are dangers lurking behind every corner and creeping in every alcove, just waiting for you to lose your focus and have a weak moment. Out of the darkness they come and feast on your fear and lick your cold sweat of panic with delight while absorbing all other light…

Text and Animation by Toxic Tuba
made with blender 3.3.1
Music by Toxic Tuba

You can buy the 3D scan of the brick bridge this whole animation is based on for just 1€ and use it in your own artworks. With that purchase you support the creation of more videos like this (a higher amount helps even more).