The future of blender after 2.8

Profesional interest on Blender has been increasing exponentially this 2 last years, and think that still versión 2.8 has not been officially released. have a tread were post this kind of interest on profesional media link
For the future paradoxically i think that a good direction would be a kind of “low cost” Blender, and cost is not about money, but is about time and learning effort. Today aproaches of simplifiying Blender are about: “try to make ALL Blender more easy” but nowadays, ALL is too much. with “low cost” releases i mean releases that would be far more simple, and with less capabilityes. something like project 101, but going still very far on lowering complexity. for example a blender for school children would be a good objetive. and a way to get massive future base users.