The Godforsaken Courtyard

Greetings fellow blender artists!

I’m currently working on a course from the fabulous Rob Tuytel and I’ve started to integrate all the new things I’ve learned - reworking some of my older projects.
Couple of days ago I finished this piece and would like to know what you guys think.

It’s an attempt to recreate a lost place.
Assets used: Statue is a photoscan by (Engel - Download Free 3D model by ( [62957ad] - Sketchfab), ground vegetation done with GeoScatter, Poppy Flowers are from quixel.
Textures mostly from Polyhaven, overall some minor adjustments in Photoshop.

Some form of feedback or critique would be nice, although I have spend enough time on this one to call it done, but I’d always like to know how I could improve things for future projects.


This is really good overall!

If I was making this scene, I would try giving the statue a brighter material, more like white marble. I am thinking this would make it more visible and distinct from the background.

I am not certain if it would work without having tried it, but maybe the image would be more eye-catching that way?

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If I was making this scene, I would try giving the statue a brighter material, more like white marble. I am thinking this would make it more visible and distinct from the background.
I am not certain if it would work without having tried it, but maybe the image would be more eye-catching that way?

I’ve tried that and indeed it was more eyecatching, but it also felt a bit “off” with the overall grunge and overgrown vibe of the environment.
I also experimented with the lighting but at some point I grew so tired of it.
On the next one I will experiment a bit more with Colors, Lighting and perhaps some Godrays go guide the viewers eye and make the focal point more pop out.

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For sure, cheating the lighting a bit to guide the viewer can help a scene and split the main object from the rest.

Well, I don’t mean to use a fully clean material. I mean a white base color, but keeping all the same dirt and moss you currently have on the statue. Though, I do think the current material could already work well and be made to pop more with the right lighting.

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Wow, thank you so much!

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Wonderful image, I like this lighting

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Thank you.