The Grid (WIP)

Just a basic start setting things up. I still have quite a bit to finish on the Flynn’s Arcade/Lab scene but ultimately it will all end with the grid being the primary.


Better camera angles and material setups. Lighting and textures is the next phase.

I’ve been having trouble finding links to the carrier/rectifier 3d model. It seems to have disappeared but if someone happens to find it, please link it here. I’m a stickler for public domain and attribution.

Armory Hex platform. I’m well aware the original was an octagon but I’m sticking with hexes for the foreseeable future unless its involving textures.

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Those bikes live in my mind rent-free, I think about them all the time. Nice work on those! I’m excited to keep watching your progress

Lol same here. I can’t explain my obsession with this film :laughing:. Thank you so much! Honestly it’s been fun learning the process(or my own rather) to save time on renders. I’ve already asked my wife for approval on an arcade style cycle setup for VR in the basement. PVC of course :wink:

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I was so worried about scaling issues between the Cycle arena and the characters/vehicles since I dove in on this fairly quick build. Yes I could have spent the money on these assets and definitely considered settling on a basic freebie. This option has been more rewarding in terms of testing my skills and knowledge of the process. I usually don’t model anything and don’t mind editing imperfections when they come up but this has been really fun.


Sea of Simulation Test

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I love those vehicles, you really brought that slickness in the movie here

Much appreciated! and for the record, the vehicles came from and most definitely Stl files are wicked accurate and I couldn’t ask for more. I personally don’t model unless absolutely necessary which makes the building of the cycle arena one of my (currently :person_shrugging:)proudest modeling achievements. However, I’ve spent years learning all other elements needed to put together a proper scene. I must also tack on countless hours of editing 3d models in every hiccup imaginable. The armory scene is also all me minus the recognizer. Sorry to bog down this reply but I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea. I’m a self taught generalist at best. This Flynn’s Arcade is the best build I’ve ever done. The architecture portion was all me.

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This was a fun mini project for the day. Took a bit of time setting the 3 separate particle sims for each shape but totally worth the challenge.

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Ported to UE5 very easily. Took a few tutorials to get it moving around but is function via viewport and vr. I’m not pleased with the current functionality but I plan on converting my blueprint back to the basic setup with a few tweaks.

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Thanks to my work on the lightcycle, I was able to sort out setting up motorcycles for use in UE5.