The hallelujah mountains

I did one of these a couple years ago and I was never happy with it so I decided to give it another go…
Im looking for suggestions on how to do the hanging stuff circled. Everything I have tried just doesn’t do the trick. I just cant seem to get the ivy gen to do it like these are.
I dont plan on using the background for the final product so I have to make quite a few of these…


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Have you tried the ivy generator?

He mentioned that in his post.

I’ve never used IVY gen in blender before so I don’t know it’s functions etc but if it is similar to SketchUP, Where you can select objects to form the IVY around then I’d suggest adding a plane coming down from where you want and letting the IVY grow up it. Then rotate so the bottom of the IVY is resting on the rock and weld together?..

As I said I have no experience using it like this but it’s a suggestion.

Happy blending!

I just did a quick test with ivy. This was the result.

I do remember seeing a tutorial somewhere on using the ivy generator.

Yeah, I can get that result without issue. If you look closely at the vines hanging from the mountains, they have kind of a broken spider web type structure.
Anyway, I think I have a method that comes pretty close.

I think its getting much better.

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Looks good, except maybe you could add more variation in length with the mosslike stuff (generally longer) hanging from the vine?
How did you make the vines, did you end up using the vine sim in some way or did you do it some other way?

I didn’t use the ivy generator. It just wasn’t giving the results I wanted.
I took a cube (or plane,depending on the situation), subdivided it a few times, then deleted the faces only. Then I deleted some random verts. Then I pinned a few verts where I wanted them and ran a cloth sim. After the cloth sim, I converted it to a curve, then gave it some depth and converted it back to a mesh. Then I added a subsurf, then a displace to wrinkle the “vines” Then I applied all modifiers.
Then I added a particle system with some bushy plants with the trunks removed. Then I added another hair system.

I think I have the methods down for creating the mountains now. I just need to do some refining on everything now and create a few more mountains. Ill probably use this particular one for one of the background mountains Ill need. I also need to decide on a texture for them…

Looking really good! I love the moss btw.

That’s insane, how did you even think of doing that?

I dont know, I just started experimenting.
Started work on a second mountain. I need to get to work on better trees and stuff. The moss method works good, although I rushed through these late last night so I could let it render over night. The ones on the bottom are just a copy of the ones from the other mountain. I cant seem to get the hair length to be random for some reason…

A quick screen grab of progress on the new mountain.

Too much fog, yet this is absolutely amazing work. Too much saturation on the new render. But everything is amazing.

Thanks. I hope you understand that only the two mountains in the center are the ones I did. The background is just a placeholder right now.
An update…


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I like the taller trees in comment #13 because they offer a sense of scale I can relate to and that white tree trunk adds a great compositional element. And this:

I didn’t use the ivy generator. It just wasn’t giving the results I wanted.
I took a cube (or plane,depending on the situation), subdivided it a few times, then deleted the faces only. Then I deleted some random verts. Then I pinned a few verts where I wanted them and ran a cloth sim. After the cloth sim, I converted it to a curve, then gave it some depth and converted it back to a mesh. Then I added a subsurf, then a displace to wrinkle the “vines” Then I applied all modifiers.
Then I added a particle system with some bushy plants with the trunks removed. Then I added another hair system.

is genius, mad scientist stuff! The results are quite convincing. They hold up well up close too.

Been working on making a bigger variety of trees.

These are beautiful renders with a great design. It would be neat to see a waterfall or flowing river incorporated in there somewhere. Really great job.

Made an environment and a couple more trees. I need to figure out why some arent randomly rotating. Im not sure if I will continue in this direction, I have another idea and I still plan on a couple more mountains.

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