The house across the street

Looking good.
Aren’t your neighbours getting suspicious with you always staring across at their house?:smiley:

It’s just an image mapped to the world channel.

@ Richy76
Hehe, I just took an image :rolleyes:

The alpha one looks better and more realistic. Are you modelling any of the plants or are you mostly using the alphaplane technique?

I would like to stay with just alpha maps. But some times I use programs like ngplant and plantstudio to generate the mesh for the plant/tree.
E.g the little plant next to the car, is made in ngplant.


Just some small stuff.
Next on my list is the sidewalk.




I fixed the sidewalk, what do you think?


Edit, changed the sky to the right one again.

Next up is render passes, the sky makes the image way to blue.


You need to tone down the highlights and reflections on the car. Maybe lower specularity on the car material or dim the lights that shine on the car.

Cool! That’s nearly Pixar quality! No joke!

I have been watching this thread since the beginning and I can’t hold back telling you how sweet this looks.

Keep up the good work and maybe you will end up with an entire neighborhood which you could then animate a fly through.