The Italian Fighter

Imaginary character dedicated to the world of fighting. Made with Blender, Marvelous Designer and Substance Painter. Sculpted without the support of any photo or reference (except for the boxing shorts for which I researched online), in favor of a less scientific and more artistic approach, a way of working that I love to follow when I have the possibility to dedicate myself to purely personal projects. The aim is to stimulate pure creativity and to try to create something highly personal. The exercise instead is to accustom the mind to work by relying only on the wealth of knowledge acquired, in this case basically anatomical notions. Rendered with Cycles.


Nice work as always :heart:. How do you wrap those tattoos textures nicely?

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Hi, thanks for the appreciation! I texturized it on Substance, and preferably I always use a UV projection for things like tattoos, unless the topology and seams don’t allow me to get a good result, in which case I use the warp projection.

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Great character. Has lots of personality, most impressive (as well as expressive, I guess). Only the lack of muscle on his chest is something I’m not sure about.
When I recall e.g. Brad Pitt in ‘Fight Club’ or ‘Snatch’, or Edward Norton in ‘Fight Club’, as examples, they’re that skinny/slim type of athletic too, yet with a tad more definition in terms of musculus pectoralis major(?)

Well chances are, I should just shut up and trust you. Your familiarity with human anatomy very obviously dwarfs mine by orders of magnitude.

Great skin shader and lighting, too.

greetings, Kologe

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!