The latest in Eevee/Grease Pencil demos and animations

I made a music video using Eevee and Grease pencil.


Amazing Eevee demo by Luigi Russo


Eevee has become incredibly strong in emulating a polished 80’s style sequence (without actually looking like 80’s CG tech).

The style according to the description is called Synthwave.


Insane movie quality in realtime

FGC refs central:


This looks great. Did you make this, or did you just find this?

Hehehe, usually not my style. But this was really fun.

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Excellent 2d animation.

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Not mine, same for my other posts on BA (other than some instructional pics). Just saw it in a tweet from Ton.

This is the source channel:

More signs of professionals using other apps. getting on-board with Eevee, a Revit user known as Tyler Disney has created an animation of a utility area imported into Blender.

Yes, he chose Blender and not the new version of Max (which has that new bridge).

Meanwhile, those using Eevee for arch-vis are now going beyond making tours of rooms, now making tours of entire houses.


Jeesuz Christ! What a project. Excellent walkthrough of a condo just a few hundred square meters bigger than my own :stuck_out_tongue:

He shares some lighting tips on his youtube comments, well worth a look.

Something a little different. This guy is a complete beginner (he says 2 days) but it’s fun to see his reaction to using Blender.


paradoxically blender starts to be easier to use for those who are beginners with 3D in general, than for others who come from other famous 3D Software and are blocked by mental biases of use

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there is a lot of love in this work, this man has designed his dream house

Even people coming from other 3d software are finding Blender 2.8 nice to use.

For example, here is a guy coming from Maya to 2.79, and is pretty frustrated. Then a week later trying 2.8, and very impressed.

hidden since slightly off-topic


Qbviously, many yes, they love it, but there are some that we have to fight every day because they complain, in these same forums, they usually have a superficial blender approach, and they complain that it is not standard, they are lazy and they take it out on blender design because they can’t use it … actually is a little funny … :joy:

Saw this one on Ton’s Twitter feed. Cool mix of 3d with grease pencil (for the webbing).


Keep a watch out for this guy. He is just starting to use Blender/Eevee.


A guy known as EZSub has made a little demo of what Eevee can do combined with motion tracking.

Now it might not be quite as accurate to the environment compared to using Cycles, but it’s not bad either.


Shadow under the car looks quite bad the second time, as the car gets further from the camera.