The Librarian of the Unseen University (Discworld)

The Librarian of the Unseen University in Ankh Morpork (Discworld).
All done in Blender 3.3.
Other renders here :

Sketchfab :


(“post must be at least 10 characters” filler)


I really love the details.
…for example the glue pod or the book clamp. :grin:

(I was a little bewildered about the light on the face but on AS you can see: the letters glow…)
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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you !
It was fun to imagine what the librarian could use to fix a book.

You are right for the light on the face, I had to cheat to get the same feeling you can find in Paul Kidby’s painting.


Thank you so much Bart !

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Ahh yes there someone can see that the sheets itself glow… and in drawing some sparkles and some wads of smoke are somekind of easier to attach… but i don’t think it’s cheating… and it’s also not so easy to visualize the eights color of magic if i remember correctly… of couse ofter just radiation → green and magic
→ purple … :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


The color of magic is a purplei-sh color, indeed, but I wish to keep the scene calm and warm.
(and at first, black and white and only the librarian with a book :D)

You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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Merci beaucoup Bart ! :metal:

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appreciated Ook!! even a banana is there :slight_smile:

The books are some of the funniest stuff I ever read. Highly recommended!

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I am reading again the Last Continent (for the 3rd time maybe).
I can’t even choose which one is my favorite book !

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for me it’s all the books about the guard, but one of my favorites is ‘going postal’ and the follow up ‘making money’.
i think it also has one of the best tv translations of the books they did. :slight_smile:

But they are all great reads. TP had a way to take things we take for granted, turn them upside down and make them hilariously absurd. :smiley:


Soon it will be the season to re-read Hogfather! Don’t think I’ll be able to resist it this year :christmas_tree:

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The books about Death were pretty cool.
I did one cgi about it :

First you have to read Wyrd Sisters !
Talking about it, I don’t think you can guess my next blender sculpt :stuck_out_tongue:

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Uhhh… witches? :slight_smile: Honestly, there’s so many interesting characters to sculpt, I don’t think it’s really possible to guess :star_struck:

damn, first try !


Ooh, looking good!

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“Nice monkey.”

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