Stunning work!
well done!
better than disney… that’s not something I say often, either Lovely work!
Thankyou!! josephhansenJ
Can you provide some insight on the way, you did the eye material? Looks really stunning and I’m intrested, how you managed to make them as shiny as they are…
I’m willing to guess that there’s a tiny amount of Emission mixed in to the irises. I recently learned this trick for eyes, and the results are incredible.
I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend
Thank You Very Much!!
wow majestic
only with blender ?
Sculpting in Zbrush.
Retopo , lighting, rendering, compositing in blender.
@Aneesh, stunning work. Can you tell me what is your body fur setup? I am making a giraffe, and struggling with realistic looking short fur.
The first image has more colour, life, and personality to it than the entire remake put together. Good job!
Dang, this is legit AF!
Great work, congrats.
Amazing work!!!