The Lost House

In this scene, I wanted to imagine a manor in the forest, where ivy and vegetation would have taken over the place. :four_leaf_clover:


Amazing work!

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woooow amazing! :art:

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Wow… superb! That’s supreme lighting… and the skill through the leaves too -Out-Standing… Thank you for the inspiration : )

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Thank you!

Thank you! :four_leaf_clover:

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Thank you, I’m glad you like it!

Looks great, the vegetation density is impressive, may I ask how you made it? Lighting really is the cherry on top. Perhaps I would have gone for some atmospheric perspective as well, to thicken the atmosphere. Great work

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Thank you for your appreciation! :four_leaf_clover:
For the plants in the foreground, I used weight paint mask on the ground surface with different scaters and randomize musgrave textures.
For the Ivy on the house, It’s a combination of Baga’s Ivy Generator addon and the vine pencil of botaniq. I tried to match the colors to unify the texture.
The trees in the background are, like the plants, another weight paint mask.
At first, I tried to add more atmosphere, but this was too much of a distraction from the blue of the sky, so I made the artistic choice of preserving the main colors.

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thanks Bart, have a great weekend too!

Why do abandoned places like the one you’ve depicted have such a mystical allure? I can’t help but wonder what story would have taken place in this fictional place. Am I right in assuming the inspiration was taken from Queen Anne style architecture and the forests of Oregon?

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Love it. The details are amazing. Well done.

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Awesome work!
How many polygons in this scene?

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I totally understand the mystical feeling you’re talking about, and that’s what fascinates me so much about seeing abandoned landscapes and creating them. I think there’s a kind of nostalgia without really being one, a certain freedom perhaps. I aspire to create my own story, telling the adventure of landscapes like this one, in the future I hope!
Regarding my inspirations, they’re very similar to those you mentioned, but for this work I was simply inspired by a mental image I had of this kind of place. A mixture of memories that I experienced with a bit of fantasy.

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Thanks, glad you like it!
In this scene Im around 5 millions vertices.

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