EA has gotten to big for there own good to be trusted enough to make good games… imho
Now time to relax with some nice off-topic chat because this is the off-topic forum[/FONT]
Ichigo 100% - Sort of a disappointing ending but I wouldn’t let that stop you from enjoying this really funny and interesting anime.
I Love My Little Sister – This one may not be for the casual anime watcher. Despite[/FONT]
the name it is far from a some cheap hentia. It’s a beautiful love story of two twins who[/FONT]
share the ultimate bond of love. As you watch it you will soon learn, you are never to old to cry. This is one is a must.
Petopeto-san - This is a really kawaii, I highly recommend this one, it doesn’t rely on ecchi humor as most school life animes do but you will watch it a few times over. It’s really really Kawaii.
Chobits – Another really Kawaii anime, Many guys may have a hang-up about letting there friends know they watched this, but its ok, your friends aren’t around all the time. It’s kawaii and I highly recommend this.
Welcome to the NHK – Another great anime, I watched this one nearly in one sitting, I couldn’t pull away from it. I throughly enjoyed this one and you will to. I highly recommend this one to the little more than the casual anime watcher.
Well thats it for now, join me later for more great anime reviews!!!
I normally download them first and come back later and try to watch’em in one sitting, I’ve got about ten series I haven’t watched yet. Been trying to get this ps2sdk I found downloaded so I’ve put all aime on hold for a while lol