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Some muffins pictures
Thanks to Google Image Search. If the images don’t show, copy+paste into a new window.

Banana Raisin Wheat Muffins

Blueberry Muffins

American style B&B-muffins

Sockerkaka eller muffins

Biltong Muffins

Better Bakery Muffins #1

Better Bakery Muffins #2

Toasted Almond Muffins

Cranberry Bran Muffins

White Chocolate and Pecan Nut Mini-Muffins

Hi-Pro Chocolate Chip Muffins

Unnamed muffin

Ok… go to the kitchen, grab a muffin (yeap, it made me hungry too) and tell me, who is our casting winner?

i think Fweeb’s right the eyes should be blueberrys or chocolate chips
The mouth should be a crack on the crust or somthing.

i’ve been playing round with mesh IPO’s and the RVK things, so i might be able to help with the lip synking, i hope.

and i love the joke.

<EDIT> i just made a baking tray
and wire frame

Done and done. I’d lean to the second or third picture (blueberry muffins), but make them rise out of the baking mold/tray as high as the fourth picture.

Great going on the quick turn-around on that baking tray, kane.

Who’s up for character design and storyboarding?

lol, i’ve heard that joke so many times, but it still makes me laugh.

An idea i had was when it was showing the view of the whole kitchen, if you had an oven timer ring, it would draw attention to that and then cut to inside the oven.

This sounds like fun.

Hey people this idea is very funny - all in the timing I think.
Heres is what I’ve come upwith so far, i’m comming down with a bad case of the flu so I’ll be out for the count for a while



No coments on the female cook idea or about the clock thing? :wink:

Kane and LuckyBreak… those are looking really good.

After checking MANY decoration magazines, I found this kitchen that appear specially apealing to our purposes.

Kitchen #1

I’ ll start modeling the room when I get home tonight, could somebody start working with the pots and other decorative objects?

By the way… Timonides just joined the team.

Shall i start modelling a few things from that kitchen?

I don’t know why im asking because i am going to anyway :stuck_out_tongue:
Even if they arn’t going to be used.

I like the hands idea. I think quickly showing the process of making the batter is a winner. If I have a chance, I’ll toss together a storyboard… but it probably won’t be until Monday.

hey, this sounds really cool. i could definentey do some modelling and some animation (not character animation though!!) as for the eyes, i liked the idea that they’re not very obvious, but i think that they should pop open as cartoon eyes with floaty eyebrows once they start talking. but anyway you want to do it, i’m fine.

also, i could do some materials/texturing.

Hmm i strongly disagree with you Blenergetic. I dont think they need to be pop up as cartoon eyes.

I perceive the muffins to be relaxed, and quite boring and ‘turtle’ like, as in most of their movements, even their eye lids should be quite slow. Then when the punch line comes, maybe the one could open its eyes a bit wider and quicker, but not become cartoon like.

yeah L13, I guess you’re right about the eyes. here’s a quick test i made:

(cut and paste, it’s geocities)

please don’t jump on me for mats, textures, lighting, details, etc. this is a concept only.

are the eyes still too pronounced?

i tried using small spheres for the blueberries, but it ended up looking like muffin measles. anyone have any better suggestions?

Alright. This is me officialy asking for permission to climb aboard. I’m willing to do storyboard, lighting, modeling, pre-vis, design, voice acting, anything.

I really like blenergetics concept. Thats EXACTLY what i percieved the muffins to look like.


Blendergenic… that actually looks like a muffin, and that is a great thing. :wink: but about the cartoon eyes… ABSOLUTELY NOT !!

Going with the cartoon choice would be taking the easy way. Trying to create the face from ordinary looking muffins would be more of an animation challenge but also will have a lot more merit, not to mention that the whole idea of the joke is to surprise the viewer. Cartoon eyes are too much over-done on CG… actually, I would try to get as photoreal as Yafray would allow us. (READ: More work for the texturing and lighting guys).

Please, don’t go too crazy trying to design the muffins… so far we haven’t decided from where the camera will be looking at them, and that alones changes the whole character desing. Actually we haven’t decided over Blueberry / Chocolate Ships. The blueberry is more commond, but the Chocolate looks more photogenic (look the pictures already posted).

Anyways… we REALLY need a storyboard, or at least some quick models to do pre-visualization… Blendergenic’s muffin will work great as a stand-in until we decide the final character-design details.

Enough talking… I’m off to start modeling the structure of the kitchen, hopefully will post something before going to bed.

Just a small up-date on the 3D kitchen before I go to bed. Basically a lot of duplivertex to place the tiles in order to keep them easy to change.


Please, don’t comment on the lighting… I know it is all wrong.

Not much to comment on, but so far I like it. If no one cares, I would like to do some lighting for this. Looks like it would be fun :slight_smile:


Cool deal… this is progressing faster than I expected. Guess I should get started on that storyboard sometime soon.

Pre-vis for the oven. I know it sucks. But it should give you an idea of what I’m after. Crits welcome of course (regarding the story, not my art ;))


um… i think at the end, instead of him jumping, the camera should dolley out of the over real quick, or maybe a dolly revers zoom of some kind, something more like that, and i believe, that he says "holy shit, IM a talking muffin

I like the pre-viz, with one exception. I personally don’t see the motivation for the muffin to jump molds. Personally, I think it would better fit comedic timing for the muffin to look straight at the camera (breaking the fourth wall) and say the line to the audience. After that, the shot holds for a second (maybe the muffin blinks here) and it simply fade/cut to black. If there’s not need to move the camera, then it should stay. Dollys, trucks, pans and tilts look nice, but they need to have a purpose, IMO.