The mysterious “squeeze value” node

Trying to smooth out light length

Curve float and map range help a bit, but if i want stronger light we can see the ‘limit’ of the light

Toss a square root node in there, it’ll affect the falloff exactly like you’re looking for

didn’t workout, i didn’t know where to put it so i tried different combination and nothing worked as i needed, I’ve uploaded the file if you have time to test I’ll be thankful.

light test.blend (961.8 KB)

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Maybe you want constant falloff hooked up with a custom falloff curve?



The result with the float curve is so close to what i need, so i’m gonna be stuck with it, i actually didn’t know that they added it in the shader, thought it was only for geo node

Then I’m still clueless on what you’re trying to achieve. What’s the context this is supposed to be used for? Your curve multiply fades out to zero at a certain distance, in combination with emission already causing an inverse square falloff (partly cheated by the beam shape/focusing). So the light would never behave “properly” which would be never fading completely away.

well with eevee we have the control over distance in the ‘ui’ and it’s smooth

I guess i’m trying to replicate that, I could have this result which I’m satisfied with now

So thank for the help =)

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