The pond

Edit: Since so many people were so kind and liked this scene, I thought it would be nice to put here the final version of it so, so here it is:

I have been so blessed to have this community to learn and help others, and also see so many pieces of art from so many talented artists that I started to feel that I needed to contribute with something, so I created this small scene, especially for the community.
I hope you like it. I did not make any post-production. Well, that’s it.


I tried to add some water drops on the leaves, but they don’t convince me so much. What do you think?


From lights, reflections, shadows to the realism of aquatic plants, tiny waves on puddle…; looks extremely gorgeous.
Heartedly congragulate the talented artist who should be spent a great effort to accomplish such a hyper-realistic work!

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In my opinion it is perfect and very realistic!

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Looks really nice… I’ve been learning

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Thank you all for the support.

I decided to make some post production and give the scene a misty morning atmosphere. What do you all think?


It’s even more real with this atmosphere.

Did you use some kind of tilt shift effect? It’s just my impression :slight_smile:

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No, just the normal depth of field of the camera in cycles.

Maybe that in conjunction with the waves give that impression.

I’m sorry I didn’t specify that I get the impression of tilt shift from the scene in the distance, where there’s dirt and clumps of grass on the left.
But it’s just my subjective impression, the image overall is very real!

Oh, ok. No, I did not use that. Maybe the god rays I made in the post also helped on that.

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!


Thank you very much!


I’ve made some changes to this scene since I first created it, and I would like to share the results so far. It will never end, but this new version makes me a bit ashamed of the first. Actually, the scene was created to be more or less like this last version, but I never finished it. What do you think so far? I don’t even know why I called it finished.
PS: Geometry nodes helped a lot to evolve the scene. I’m in love.


Another change I made recently that is still not In that last version Is to add turbidity to the water. I was satisfied with just the volume absorption at first, but as time passed I started to feel that it still lacked realism, so I decided to add some turbidity to mimic the presence of unicellular algae growing in the water. That’s a comparison of the Before and the after:

Sometimes I get stuck in the middle of something as I think I tend to exaggerate some effects, so I try to control myself and make it a bit softer and then I stay uncertain which version is better. :joy::joy::joy::joy:

I still have some small things to change, but I’ll post that here once it’s “finished”. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


The last one is really nice to look at, the framing of the composition is very good and I really like those cherry blossom flowers. The progression was cool to see, the extra work you put in definitely paid off in the end.

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Thank you. You should see how it is now. Lol. I think that is one of those scenes like yours, that is never finished.

It’s still needing some work in the moss translucency, I think and I need to find a good way to deal with the mist pass. In this one, there’s no mist.


‘Art is never finished, only abandoned’

I look forward to any tweaks or additions you make. I really like this scene for several reasons. The fading of the fish into the water in the background, the framing as previously mentioned, the DOF and newly added cherry blossoms, its all very pleasing to see.

Do you have any dragonfly models? I sometimes try and add too much, when less can be more more. But, an iridescent insect like that or a Jade beetle might be cool.

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No, I don’t have any at the moment, but I agree with you. I thought about a frog or some kind of amphibious life-form, but I am always afraid to exaggerate and then I end up with a crude scene. That’s an exercise.

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Truly wonderful, congratulations!
With this last image you have rayunto an impressive level of realism!
I also really like the turbidity of the water and the cherry blossoms with the DOF applied. :+1:

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