The rest of King Arthurt.


I would like to show my last work for the Competition Ancient civilizations. Modeled in Blender, render in Cycles and post -producion in Photoshop. a litle scene of the rest of King Arthurt Wherever it is whit Excalibur still waiting for a true king.

Final render before post-produc :

Clay before textures:

I hope you like it. Regards.

The background is not very good, especially the grass requires a little more work, including a comb and more particles.
As against the rest looks good to me and I like it.

How did you change the colour of the foliage, LAB mode? Invert R/G channel?

Thanks you for your comments.

Adey the color correction was in photoshop after pre postcomp whit the final render in Blender, change it a bit the values of Hue, Saturation and light, trying dont loss the frog of background and glare of the sword.


Thanks you for your comments.

Adey the color correction was in photoshop after pre postcomp whit the final render in Blender, change it a bit the values of Hue, Saturation and light, trying dont loss the frog of background and glare of the sword.
