The second emitter does not emit particles in the correct way


Someone wants to help me with this ? thanks.

Hmm, can I see the blend file?


Okay, thanks. Unfortunately the Group_car_green has gone missing in the blend, so I cannot see whether there are more unexpected effects.

In any case, the issue with the orientation of the green cars is just caused by the orientation of the base object (Empty_car_micro_green) being wrong. It needs to face toward the +X-direction, no matter what the initial direction of the particles is.

Also the two emitters have their particle systems linked, so I could not choose different render objects for each without breaking the link.

Tried to upload a version with these two issues fixed, but it’s too large. Somehow there are a lot of apparently unused data blocks in it, including images, oddly without being marked orphaned.

can u put the corrected blender file somewhere ? I need to study your corrections.

Okay, I do the same as you, use Google Drive:

you did not take the components of the cars as a group…a car is composed by these elements :

  1. empty object (empty_car_yellow or empty_car_green)

  2. 4 wheels (ruota_car-micro-green.001 ; 002 ; 003 ; 004 and ruota_car-hatchback-yellow.001 ; 002 ; 003 ; 004)

  3. the car body (car-micro-green and car-hatchback-yellow)

if u go on the particles / render / group tabs and you choose the group “group_car_green” (previously you should have created a group with CTRL+G adding the components that I said above) and you select the option “whole group”,you will see that the green cars don’t work. Even the yellow cars don’t walk in an orderly manner. it makes no sense to choose only the car body as a single object. I have modified the file like how I want…you can find it here :

Ah, okay. The problem was, that due to the parenting, corrdinates were tranformed multiple times in a little bit confusing way. I suspect, that for the one car you used ‘Keep Transform’ while for the other you did not. What I would do, is to set all locations to 0,0,0 and just let the particle system do the correct displacement. This way it looks okay:

Hello. Is there a way to position the cars better than now ? because when the cars are emitted,some of them cross the ground and some others walk too far above it…do u have some suggestion to give me ? thanks.

I think with particles you won’t have perfect control no matter what, but for this specific question, about the different heights, this can be fixed by reducing the height of the emitter plane.

the problem is not the different heights but the cars that don’t stick perfectly to the ground. this is not acceptable in a good simulation. what about to use a collision modifier ? (between cars and the ground,by playing with the Permeability ; Stickiness and Friction factors ?

Sure you can try that. Maybe put the guiding curve below the road and prevent the cars from moving down by enabling collision for the road object.

so,ok,this is in theory. but I don’t know how to do it without a guide. Can you help me by finding a tutorial on youtube that can help me ?

Nor sure whether anyone has done exactly that. I have my doubts that it is achievable to get precise alignment with the road with a particle system, in particular as the road is tilted. To make them follow a planar road accurately enough should work by reducing the emitter height to near-zero and maybe tweaking the guide curve a little. But I don’t know of a feature to make particle rotation align with the tilt of the road. You would have to use rigid body sim for that.

something like that ? —>

Likely would work, but i guess an even simpler setup would suffice. Basically you need collision between the car and road to keep it on the surface and rotate it correctly. Then only one thing is missing, some force to orient the car within the plane of the raod (making it look forward). This might be possible by adding friction or drag to the back, like e.g. the hind wheels.

thanks man. Anyway in the tutorial that I’ve shown the cars are not emitted by a particle system. Does this make a lot of difference ? There is a lot of new things to learn here. For sure I’m not able to get the proper result only by myself. I’m not so advanced. I need to find some tutorials that address the topics. Or I need someone with which to cooperate.