The texture gone wrong after I applied "All transform"

I applied “All transform” to the right one, can anyone explain to me about this scenario?

because it based on object project
you need to make it with uvs to do not get this problem
at this stuation you can bake maps to textures


Since you applied all transforms, that includes Location - object’s Origin Point might’ve ended up elsewhere (somewhere far to the left of the mesh, by the looks of it)


Thanks! the origin point moved to other places, it kinda solve the initial issue. But another issue emerged:

The left one is the one I applied “All transform” and set the origin back to the mesh, but the “Spherical” function seemed to not be applying after it…

It’s hard to say, but wouldn’t you need to change the Location of the Spherical texture as well?

In any case, I’d recommend to either

  • move the actual Origin of the object back to the center of the mesh (or only Apply “Scale” and “Rotation”, not “All”), instead of fixing location in Shader (because otherwise you would need to adjust it every time you use Object coordinates and that’s not reliable);
  • use some Empty object for coordinates (that field in Texture Coordinates nodes);
    OR better yet
  • do as the user above suggested, and use UV coordinates instead of Object - that’s probably the most reliable method.
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Thanks a lot for patiently answering my question, Im very grateful for that :heart: I have this one last question:
As I followed this tutorial, basically followed every step apart from that I used Circle and Solidify modifier, everything is the same.

However, at 3:55, when he applied the scale, the texture became “curved”, but mine was curved before applying, and basically the opposite of his. Do u know the reason why?

His object had non-uniform scale, you can see it in his N-panel > Item > Transform > Scale in the beginning. Since he scaled the object in Object mode, it was smaller on Z-axis. And so everything that uses this object’s coordinates is scaled in the similar manner.
It could be that before applying scale, the “spherical” texture just wasn’t visible / couldn’t reach the surface of the object, so it had no visible effect. It’s, as the name suggest, a sort of a white sphere, but since it uses Object Coordinates it probably was squashed on the Z-axis as well.

You need to check your Transforms to see what went different for your object.

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