The Trouble with Nodes...


Why the heck am I seeing two types of nodes? I opened an .obj file in blender and tried to play around with the nodes…they look like this:

But…when I’m playing around with just a .blend file, the nodes look like this:

…Why are they different? Some nodes aren’t called by the same name!
Thanks a bunch!

The top set look like Blender Internal material nodes, whereas the bottom set look like Cycles material nodes.

Click on a few of these buttons on the bottom.

Nodes do change when you’re in Cycles or Internal. And Photox, clicking all of those buttons seems to just show blank grids. I see that they are shader, compositing and texture nodes, but it won’t let me add texture nodes.

For cycles:
Make sure ‘use nodes’ is checked
Use ‘object’, and ‘shader’
Then Add, texture, image texture

Thank you. I’m now finding that you can have nodes from Cycles and Render in the same grid - they just work separately, depending on whether or not you’re in Cycles or Render.