The Ultimate Cel-Shading Shader

Here is my Ultimate Cel-Shading Shader, free for anyone to use (attribution not required but appreciated).

This is a compilation of my own work, as well as ideas/theory from LightningBoyStudios, Pierre Schiller, Atsushi Tamaki, Lohit Petikam, and Raymond Cripps, and others too numerous to mention. I believe it’s the most comprehensive, flexible, and scalable option out there.

That link contains full documentation as well as the download link.

@Charles_Weaver made a version that’s asset browser compatible along with some excellent thumbnails:
ucss_ab.blend (3.0 MB)
You can download that version above, just note you’ll still need to read the documentation from the earlier link :slight_smile:

Because it’s modular in design, feel free to make feature suggestions, and I’ll do my best to implement them :slight_smile:


Nice! Thank you Joseph.

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Thanks for sharing! I only used cell shading once but definitely I’ll try this one!


@Reuf_Novalic and @kaamura - hope you find it useful :slight_smile: Please let me know if you run into any pain points with the shader, or anything in the documentation that’s poorly wording or confusing!


This should be useful, thanks for sharing for free


Thanks to @Charles_Weaver , I’ve made a small update to this- I’ve changed the default hair input color to be black, so it won’t affect anything unless you plug something in. Nothing major, but a small quality-of-life fix :slight_smile:
ucss_jan23.blend (3.2 MB)


Nice. I suppose it’s an eevee one? Or both? Cycle eevee?

Eevee only, Cycles is horrible for cel-shading :slight_smile:


Now, now. I wouldn’t say the toon bsdf is downright horrible, it’s just pretty limited. Sometimes the simple ways are the best. Some of the best anime style artworks are rendered in cycles.

That being said, eevee is a lot more flexible when it comes to toon shaders. Being able to directly modify a shader’s color after it’s calculated is a really powerful tool.

But in the end, it’s all about the artist, not the tool.


Only for static renders though. For animations, Cycles’ slow speed makes it non-option.


I understand your point, but I’ll have to disagree with you on this one. While it’s not as fast as eevee, that doesn’t make it absolutely unusable for animation. It may take longer, but it’s not lacking any functionality.

I personally prefer eevee when it comes down to animation, but my original point still stands – if the artist decides that it’s worth using cycles for a particular work, and they’re willing to wait for it, why not? Every tool has its ups and downs, but it’s the artist’s job to evaluate them.

Nevertheless, I do agree that eevee is better than cycles for NPR shading and stylized animation, but that doesn’t make cycles horrible or a non-option.

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Excellent reminder to watch strong declaratives- you sound like one of my college professors, but that’s good, I needed that reminder :slight_smile:

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I’m sorry if you took this personally, didnt mean to. I was speaking in the context of cel shaded animations exclusively. Doing NPR removes main benefit of Cycles (more accurate lighting). And getting close to speed of Eevee requires some serious hacks. Like computing your own fake lights so the result can be plugged into direct color output and rendered at 1 sample. If Eevee can do the same with just Shader to RGB node, why bother with reinventing the wheel
Even in my limited experience with animation, I saw that iteration speed is everything. Since Blender realtime playback on rigs is quite slow, you’ll be forced to make test renders from time to time. And personally I wouldn’t like for them to take hours

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Not at all! I apologize if my reply sounded aggressive in any way. I wasn’t trying to sound argumentative, I just thought the discussion was interesting.

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