The Unplayed melody

In a world of gears and dreams, a little rusty robot had a big wish. He longed for the guitar that sat quietly on the floor. Each day, as the sun dipped low, he’d stand there, his eyes fixed on that guitar. But there was a cruel twist to his story — the robot possessed a musician’s heart, heavy with melodies, yet the guitar in the corner remained forever out of reach. His dream was a symphony of longing, a kind of music that could fill a room, but it was locked within the chambers of his heart, his mechanical fingers yearning for the touch of those strings. As the sun set, he stood as a symbol of unwavering determination. His eyes carried a melody, an untold story. In the absence of hands, he played the most beautiful, but silent, song… ‘The Unplayed Melody’

Made in Blender and photoshop


Wow! Great work!:fire:

Thanks a lot!

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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