The website is all messed up

Things are getting worse and worse for me. The site isn’t loading at all.
Unfortunately I’ve been quite busy nowadays so I haven’t been around lately, only noticed this new issue yesterday.

Weird and confusing. On my side, viewing BA just works fine again (from today or yesterday, not sure precisely).

And it’s messed again…

Hrm - that is frustrating. I’ve not changed anything on the site. I am just about done transferring attachment files to a new host.

So, how it goes? Any news? The site is still broken for me by the way.

Hi Eduard,

I don’t have much report regarding this issue. I am planning on running an update on the forum tonight when traffic is slower. Regarding the server move, the large transfers keep timing out on me. So I’ve sent out a few requests for assistance from more server sided minds. :slight_smile:

Still broken for my.
Almost all the time it broken. Sometimes “Forbidden”, sometimes “Database error” and very very rarely site work fine.
Eastern Europe

It is still a mess from Central-Europe. Anyone else with UPC as ISP?

Quick update: I am about 60% through migrating BA to a new host. The new installation has a couple bugs I am looking to squash. If all goes well I am hoping to flip the switch by the end of the week if not over the weekend. The primary reason is to address the max database connections issue, and I am hoping it also tackles this one for you guys.

I couldn’t reply to any message past 2 weeks.

If I write a message and click reply it gives me : you have to write at least 10 symbols. But I’ve wrote it whole sentence.

My page does not look as it should also.

Still broken for my. Today it “Forbidden”
Eastern Europe.

Hey everyone, ugh I know I sound like a broken record. But I am happy to report we have the site up and running on the other server. We ran into a few hiccups long the way so we are hammering through some old VB plugin issues. Getting closer and I can see the light! :wink: Appreciate the patience!

Oh, excelent job Mr. Burke! The website works perfect for me, very fast. Thank you very much!

Today I got this Adress in my browsers adress bar when I type in “”:
I don’t know why this is or what it means, so this is just for informative purpose.
Possibly it’s caused by the server migration work in progress ?
The site itself seems to work perfect.

Yep I can confirm aswell, after few weeks of issues the site works again. Kinda sad we might never find out what caused the trouble for some European users, I’d really love to know.

Site is running as it should! Thanks

I am thrilled to hear! Apologize for the IP display in the browser. That is one of the last things we are looking to address. It seems to happen when you visit the URL directly, the server will display the IP. When navigating through the site it should switch back to

I have a support ticket submitted and working with the host. Update as I have it! :wink:

Hi wesburke, congratulations on the successful migration to another server. I know that it isn’t that easy to migrate such a huge site. :slight_smile:

However, when I enter in the address bar I get redirected to

This is done by a HTML tag in the response.
<meta http-equiv=“refresh” content=“0; url=”>

After login I get the message:
Invalid Redirect URL (

When I click on a link in the forum navigation on this redirect page after login it works correct and I find myself on

Maybe that could help to investigate this. Perhaps a little leftover from the migration and the parallel running servers?

Thanks again :slight_smile:

Great catch! It seems our index.html was somehow given a meta refresh, when we never even touched that file. Regardless, thank you very much for pointing that out. :cool:

Glad I could help :slight_smile: I cleared my browser’s cache a short while ago and the redirects are gone.